Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/1054

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INDEX San Gabriel River, flood-control project Page authorized---------------------- 900 San Joaquin River, flood-control projects authorized------------------------ 901 San Rafael Creek, Calif., flood-control examination authorized ------------ 904 San Saba River, Tex., approval of water- shed program-------------------- 906 San Xavier Irrigation Project, Ariz., appro- priation for----------------------- 473 Sand Hill River, Minn., flood-control examination authorized ------------ 904 Sanitarium Company, Portland, Oreg.: Payments authorized for Alaskan insane patients------------------------ 505 Limitation rescinded--------------- 866 Sanitation Activities, Emergency: Appropriations authorized------------ 712 Appropriations for------------- 166, 557, 856 Santa Ana River Basin, flood-protection works authorized------------------ 900 Santa Fe, N. Mex., appropriation for edu- cation of Indians---------------- - 478 Santa Ynez River Watershed, approval of program ---------------------- 905 Sauk Rapids, Minn., time extended for bridging Mississippi River at-------. 266 Savannah River Basin, flood-control proj- ects authorized------------------- 894 Scajaquada Creek, N. Y ., flood-control examination authorized ------------ 903 Schafer, John C., appropriation for con- tested-election expenses------------ 598 School Children, appropriation for food program ------------------------- 452 Schools and Colleges See Colleges and Schools. Schuetz, Leonard W.: Contested-election expenses, appropria- tion for------------------------ 591 Payment to widow of, appropriation for- 15( Sciences, National Academy of, reimburse- ment for research projects---------- 53! Scientific Research and Development, Office of: Appropriation for--------------------531 Contractors, indemnification of ------- 531 National Academy of Sciences, payment to --------------------------- Penalty mail costs, appropriation avail- able for --------------------- Personalty, disposition of.- -- - -- - ..- - Research, etc., for other agencies, trans- fer of funds ..-- .


Scientific Unions, International Council of, appropriation for contribution. - -- - Seacoast Defenses, appropriation for --- Seals, Provisional Fur Seal Agreement of 1942, Act giving effect to----------- 531 87' 531 53' 40 58 10 Seamen. See also Merchant Marine; Ves- Page sels. Aliens, failure to detain, mitigation of penalty------------------------ 817 Disability benefits------------------- 758 Insurance, marine and war-risk- Recovery of payments --------- 758, 759 Statute of limitations, suspension in certain cases------------------ 216 Medical, etc., treatment, entitlement to_ 696, 697, 698, 714 Old-age, etc., benefits statutes, exclu- sions from---------------------- 188 Relief, protection, etc., abroad, appro- priation for--------------------- 400 Seattle, Wash., Assay Office, appropria- tion for ------------------------ 205 Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1944. See Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1944, Second. Second Liberty Bond Act, Amendment, in- crease of limitation on obligations--- 272 Second War Powers Act, 1942, Amend- ments: Priorities, jurisdiction to enjoin suspen- sion orders, etc.; time limit; venue and jurisdiction--------------- -- -- 827 Time extensions of designated provisions 827 Secret Service Division. See under Treas- ury Department. Securities. See Bonds, Securities, etc. Securities and Exchange Commission: Appropriation for ----------------- 165, 378 Penalty mail costs, appropriation avail- able for------------------------ 875 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Amend- ment, national securities exchanges, registration fees------------------- 117 Seed Act, Federal: Amendment, use of funds for Interna- tional Seed Testing Congress ---- Appropriation to effect provisions of--- Seed Testing Congress, International: Appropriation for U. S . share of expen- ses -------------------------- Expenditures authorized for U. S. share of expenses...- - -- - -. . . -- --. .. -- Seeing-Eye Dogs, furnishing to blind vet- erans -------------------------- Seekonk River, flood-protection works au- 741 455 455 741 226 thorized------------------------ 892 Seismological Work, appropriation for_ 169, 420 Selective Service System. See also Selec- tive Training and Service Act of 1940. Appropriation for----------------- 166, 544 Damage claims------------- 177, 614, 876 Conscientious objectors, work program for------------------- . - - - - -- - 44