Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/1058

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INDEX Social Security Board. See also Social Page Security Act. Employees, temporary additional com- pensation for, availability of ap- propriations-- ----------------- 572 Employment Security, Bureau of, ap- propriation for--------------- 166, 562 Grants to States, appropriation for- _ 152, 323, 561, 562 Miscellaneous expenses, appropriation for -------------------------- 562 Old-Age and Survivors' Insurance, Bureau of, appropriation for --- 166, 562 Overthrow of U. S. Government, re- striction on employment of person advocating-------------------- 572 Overtime compensation, availability of appropriations ----------------- 572 Public Assistance, Bureau of, appropria- tion for---------------------- 166, 562 Salaries, appropriation for---------- 166, 562 Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after ------------------------ 572 State unemployment funds, findings with respect to advances--------- 790 Transfer of funds authorized---------- 562 War Manpower Commission, transfer of funds from-------------------- 570 Withholding of moneys from State agencies, restriction ------------- 563 Social Security Taxes: Nonapplication of automatic increase in- 1944 rate----------------------- 93 1945 rate--------------------- 812, 813 Rates for subsequent years -------- 812, 813 Society of Friends, absentee voting in time of war --------------------- 136 Soil and Moisture Conservation Opera- tions, appropriation for.-- -------- 169, 464 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- ment Act: Amendments- Farming materials, etc., purchase in advance; reimbursement------- 737 Nursery stock, funds available for procurement of---------------- 73E Tenants and sharecroppers, pay- ments to--------------------- 73' Appropriation to effect provisions of -_ 44t Flax production increase, appropriation authorized for making payments to encourage- --------------------- 91 Indebtedness under, cancelation or adjustment of ---------------- - 83( Soil Conservation Service. See under Agriculture, Department of.

oil Erosion Prevention. See Watershed, Page

soil-erosion prevention, etc., projects, under Rivers and Harbors. Soil Investigations: Appropriation for--- --------------- 437 Cultures, purchase of---------------- 735 Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act: Amendment, residence or domicile for tax purposes------------------- 722 Claims, payment of, appropriation for-_ 383 Public Health Service officers, benefits for---------------------------- 689 Soldiers' Home, United States, appro- priation for------------------- 163, 330 Soldiers' Vote, use of absentee ballot in time of war ----------------- 136, 727 Solicitor General, Office of, appropriation for-------------------------- 171,407 Solid-Fuel Reduction of Iron Ores, appro- priation for tests on------- ------- 496 Solid Fuels Administration for War: Appropriation for------------------- 467 Communication services, appropriations available for-------------- ----- 886 South America. See also American Re- publics. Agricultural workers, importation of--- 15 South Carolina: Flood-control projects authorized ----- 894 Georgetown County, transfer to Charleston division of eastern judi- cial district---------------- .- - - 801 South Dakota: Belle Fourche River Compact, consent of Congress------------ -------- 94 Flood-control examinations and surveys authorized---------------------- 904 Hot Springs, exchange of certain lands- 912 Indians- Support, etc., appropriation for--- 478, 479 South Holston Dam, appropriation for con- struction --------------------- 380 South Plymouth Reservoir, flood-control project authorized ---------------- 893 South Tunbridge, Vt., restriction on prose- cution of flood-control project ------ 893 Southern Ute Indians, Colo.: Irrigation project, appropriation for--- 474 Land, purchase of, appropriation for -- 471 Support, etc., appropriation for ------ 480 Southwestern Power Administration, ap- propriation for ---------

-- 468 Soybean, crop insurance authorized ----- 918 Spanish-American War: Veterans' pensions, increase in rate-_ 107 Volunteers, appropriation for payment of claims of certain ----------- 185,622 SPARS. See Women's Reserve of the Coast Guard.