Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/1074

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Veterans-Continued. Page Philippine Insurrection, increase in rate of pensions--------------------- 107 Placement Service Board, creation, etc-- 294 Public Health Service officers, benefits for --------------------------- 689 Readjustment allowances ------------ 295 Reemployment rights of certain induc- tees, time extension for application- 798 Regulations- No. 1 (a)- Part II- Paragraph II (k), amendment -- 793 Paragraph IV, addition -------- 219 Part III, paragraph I (f), amend- ment---------------------- 230 Part VII, paragraph 1, amendment- 291 Part VIII, addition------------- 287 No. 10- Paragraph VIII, amendment------ 752 Paragraph IX, amendment ------- 752 Retired pay, waiver of; entitlement to pensions and compensation ------- 230 Retraining and Reemployment Admin- istration. See separatetitle. Seeing-eye dogs, furnishing to blind veterans; appropriation authorized_ 226 Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944. See separate title. Spanish-American War- Pension rate, increase in------------ 107 Volunteers, appropriation for pay- ment of claims of certain - _ 185, 622 Surplus property, preference in disposi- tion of------------------- 773, 778, 779 Unemployed veterans, readjustment al- lowances --------------- _ -- - - -_ 295 Venereal disease, willful misconduct not presumed in certain cases---- ---- 752 Vocational rehabilitation ------------- 287 Widows- Civil War veterans, pensions to unre- married dependent widows of--- 797 Government employment, preference in--------------------- .-.. 387 Marriage date limitation, etc- --- 107, 109 Pension, increase in rate of--- 107, 109, 230 World War I veterans- Definition --------------------- 804 Pensions ---------------------_ 803 World War II veterans, pensions for non-service-connected death ---- Wives of disabled veterans, preference in Government employment ------ Veterans' Administration. See also Vet- erans. Adjusted compensation payments, ap- propriation for ----.- _-__------_ Adjusted service pay, appropriation for- 804 387 383 382 Veterans' Administration-Continued. Page Administration, medical, hospital, and domiciliary services, appropriation for ----------------------- 166,381 Travel expenses, funds available ---- 604 Visual educational information, funds available -------------------- 859 Blind veterans, furnishing of seeing-eye dogs to; appropriation authorized- 226 Civil Service Commission, reimburse- ment by----------------------- 363 Construction and repair, limitations on use of funds ----------------- 154, 382 Increase------------------------- 859 Damage claims, appropriation for -- 614, 876 Death pension or compensation awards, effective date ------------------- 728 Dependents, appropriation for payment of --------------------------- 382 Details to, from armed forces --------- 285 Federal Security Agency, transfer of funds to----------------------- 381 Hospital and domiciliary facilities- Additional construction, etc -------- 284 Appropriation authorized--------- 284 Appropriation for----------- 154, 383, 859 Hospitalization restrictions ----------- 383 Insurance, military and naval, appro- priation for--------------------- 382 Interior, Department of the, transfer of funds to ---------------- _----_ 381 Judgments, appropriation for -_-- -__ 615, 877 Legal newspapers, funds available for purchase of--------------------- 382 Loans to veterans------------------- 291 Medical consultants, employment of- _- 382 National Service Life Insurance, appro- priation for--------------------- 383 Naval hospitals, additional detail for care of patients ----------------- 308 Navy Department, transfer of funds to- 381 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for- _ _ 875 Pensions, appropriation for ----------- 382 Personnel, placement in Army and Navy installations -------------------- 285 Printing and binding, appropriation for_ 382 Priorities ----------- _ -- ---- ----- --- 284 Public Health Service- Detail of officers, repeal of provision respecting --------- ......... _ Transfer of funds to --------- Readjustment allowances, administra- tion ------------- _-. __ ___ .- __ Reduced-fare requests, funds available for - ......................... Regional offices, etc., establishment - - - Rehabilitation, education, etc., appro- priation available; appropriation authorized- -- ----------- _____ 717 381 295 382 284 290 CXXII INDEX