Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/12

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS PubHc Law 379 -- Requisition of certain articles for national defense. AN ACT To amend section 3 of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the President to requisition certain articles and materials for the use of the United States, and for other purposes", approved October 10, 1940, as amended, to continue it in effect ------- Jun 380 --- Independence of the PhilippineIslands. JOINT RESOLUTION Declaring the policy of the Congress with respect to the inde- pendence of the Philippine Islands, and for other purposes.- Jun 381 -_- Filipino Rehabilitation Commission. JOINT RESOLUTION To amend section 13 of Philippine Independence Act, as amended, establishing the Filipino Rehabilitation Commission, defining its powers and duties, and for other purposes---_ ___ _ Jun 382 - - Appropriationsfor lend-lease, United Nations Relief and Rehabil- itation Administration, and Foreign Economic Administration. AN ACT Making appropriations for defense aid (lend-lease), for the participation by the United States in the work of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, and for the Foreign Economic Administration, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1945, and for other purposes-- _-----_---_ June 383 --- Stabilization Extension Act of 1944. AN ACT To amend the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, and the Stabilization Act of October 2, 1942, as amended, and for other purposes--------_-- --------------------------- ------- June 384 -_- Service courts of friendly foreign forces. AN ACT To implement the jurisdiction of service courts of friendly foreign forces within the United States, and for other purposes -------------- June 385 __- Vincennes University, Ind., conveyance of land. AN ACT To authorize the conveyance of Harrison Park in the city of Vin- cennes to Vincennes University-- _--_---_------------- _ June 386 -_- Harpers Ferry National Monument. AN ACT To provide for the establishment of the Harpers Ferry National Monument June 387 -- _ Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, amendment. AN ACT To exteqifor one additional year the reduced rate of interest on LandWank Commissioner loans-- _ _ -- -- _ -- - -_ - -- -- -- _ June 388 - - Portland, Oreg., museum for certain relics, etc. AN ACT To authorize the use of space in the old post-office building in Portland, Oregon, by the State of Oregon for its use as a museum for relics from the battleship Oregon, together with all other historical documents, objects, and relics of Oregon and the Old Oregon Country held by the State for public dis- play--------------------------------------June 389 ___ Marine Band. AN ACT To authorize the attendance of the Marine Band at the national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic to be held at Des Moines, Iowa, September 10 to 14, inclusive, 1944 ------------------------- June 390 - - InternalRevenue Code, amendments. AN ACT To extend for an additional two years the suspension in part of the processing tax on coconut oil, and to correct a typographical error in the Individual Income Tax Act of 1944..-- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- June 391 -__ Civilian Pilot Training Act of 1939, amendment. AN ACT To extend the Civilian Pilot Training Act of 1939 ------------ June 392 -_ _ National Housing Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend the National Housing Act, as amended ----.---------------- June 393 -_ _ Army, additionalpay for certaininfantrymen. AN ACT To pro- vide additional pay for enlisted men of the Army assigned to the Infantry who are awarded the expert infantryman badge or the combat infantryman badge -----

June 394 ___ Bureau of Engraving and Printing,night differential. AN ACT To provide night differential for certain employees ---------- July 395 ___ Contract Settlement Act of 1944. AN ACT To provide for the settlement of claims arising from terminated war contracts, and for other purposes-- -------------------------------- July 396 __ Navy, profitsfrom sales of ships' stores. AN ACT To amend that part of the Act of June 24, 1910 (36 Stat. 619), relating to dis- position of profits from sales of ships' stores- ---- _---------- July 397 ___ Export control. AN ACT To amend section 6 of the Act of July 2, 1940 (54 Stat. 714), relating to the exportation of cer- tain commodities, and to continue said Act in effect --------- July 398 ___ Navy, transportation,etc., of certain enlistedpersons. AN ACT To provide for the transportation to their homes of persons dis- charged from the naval service because of under age at time of enlistment--------------- -------------------------- July Date 28, 1944__ e 29, 1944__ e 29,1944___ 30,1944__ 30,1944___ 30,1944__ 30, 1944 -- 30,1944-_ - 30, 1944___ 30,1944- _ _ 30,1944- _- 30, 1944. _ _ 30,1944__ - 30, 1944-_- 30,1944--- _ _ 1, 1944___ 1, 1944___ 1, 1944___ 1, 1944___ 1, 1944_-- 672 xiii 624 625 626 627 632 643 645 645 646 646 647 647 648 648 648 648 649 671 671