Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/132

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 83-MAR . 4 , 1944 entitled "An Act to provide for the training of nurses for the armed forces, governmental and civilian hospitals, health agencies, and war industries, through grants to institutions providing such training, 67 Stat. 13 . and for other purposes" approved June 15,943 (Public Law 74, so U.s.c., striin out in section III, app.§1451-1460 . Seventy-eighth Congress), is amended by striking out, in section 7 thereof, the words "is authorized to procure and provide insignia" Uniforms. and inserting in lieu thereof the words "is authorized, without regard 41 u.s. c.1. to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, to procure and provide uni- forms and insignia"; and by adding at the end of such Act the following new sections: Transfer of student "SEC. 11. (a) The head of any department, establishment, or other nurs Federal agency is hereby authorized to request and accept transfers of student nurses, transferable pursuant to subsections (e) and (f) of section 2, to any Federal hospital operated by his agency in the con- tinental United States, exclusive of Alaska, and to provide for the continued training of such student nurses requisite to graduation: Ped training Provided, That the period of training in no case shall extend beyond the period required for graduation by the institution from which the student nurse was transferred, but may be terminated at any time prior thereto as the interests of the service may require. stipend. "(b) During the period of such training student nurses shall be entitled to a stipend at such uniform monthly rate as may be pre- Travelexpene scribed by the President, and shall be entitled to (1) travel expenses 44 Stat. 688 . u ts.s6. . i g8; as authorized by the Subsistence Expense Act of 1926, as amended, supp. m, as. including travel incident to their initial transfer and in returning to the location from which transferred upon completion or termination Qters, subsist- of the period of training; (2) quarters, subsistence, and laundry (including laundering of uniforms) while at Federal hospitals; and Medical and hop (3) necessary medica and hospital care in Federal hospital facilities: tr Provided, That no student nurse receiving a stipend, fixed pursuant to this section, shall be entitled to any overtime or additional com- 7Stat. 7 . up pensation under the War Overtime Pay Act of 1943. The appro- II, app. 1 1401-141. priate appropriations of the agencies concerned are hereby made Pod, p. 7a available for the purposes of this section. Disabilty or death "(C) Should any student nurse so transferred and in training beefis suffer disability or death while in the performance of duty, she or her dependents shall be entitled, under the same conditions and to the same extent, to the benefits which are provided for civil employees 5 Us.S C.. supp. Of the United States by the Act of September 7, 1916, as amended ol, P: 712. (39 Stat. 742; 5 U. S . C . 751-793). Insignia and uni- "SEC. 12. The Surgeon General shall designate distinctive insignia to be worn by nurses who have been graduated pursuant to train- ing received under this Act and who in accordance with their under- taking are engaged in essential civilian nursing services for the dura- tion of the present war. Such insignia and the uniforms and insignia designated by the Surgeon General in accordance with sec- tion 2 to be worn by student nurses receiving training and courses under plans approved pursuant to this Act, or any distinctive part of such insignia or uniform, or any insignia or uniform any part of which is similar to a distinctive part thereof, shall not be worn by 10 U. 8 . C. , Supp. any unauthorized person, under the penalties provided by the Act of m,I * June 3, 1916 (39 Stat. 216, as amended; 10 U. S. C. 1393), for the unlawful wearing of the uniform of the United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps. Approved March 4, 1944. [58 STAT.