Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/18

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Public Law 495 .. -- Federal Insurance Contributions Act, rate of tax. AN ACT To fix the rate of tax under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act on employer and employees for the calendar year 1945 - - 496 --- Sherman Institute, Calif., lands. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to dispose of certain lands heretofore acquired for the nonreservation Indian boarding school known as Sherman Institute, California --------- .. ..

497 --- Grand Coulee Dam and Reservoir, lands. AN ACT To amend section 1, Act of June 29, 1940 (54 Stat. 703), for the acquisition of Indian lands for the Grand Coulee Dam and Reservoir, and for other purposes------------------------------------- 498 --- The Virginian Railway Company, land. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to convey to The Virginian Railway Company, a corporation, for railroad-yard-enlargement pur- poses, a parcel of land of the Camp Allen Reservation at Nor- folk, Virginia----------------------------------------- 499 -- Judicial Code, amendment. AN ACT To amend section 99 of the Judicial Code, as amended, so as to change the term of the District Court for the District of North Dakota at Minot, North Dakota-- _--------------------------

500 --- Women's Christian Association of the District of Columbia. AN ACT To authorize the dissolution of the Women's Christian Association of the District of Columbia and the transfer of its assets ---------


-- 501 -_- Civil Service Retirement Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend further section 2 of the Civil Service Retirement Act, approved May 29, 1930, as amended------------------------------ 502 --- North Dakota, conveyance of property. AN ACT Authorizing the conveyance of certain property to the State of North Dakota - 503 --- Aliens. AN ACT Relating to the imposition of certain penalties and the payment of detention expenses incident to the bringing of certain aliens into the United States ____-- -- - -- -- -- -- 504 --- Tariff duty on coconuts, suspension. AN ACT To suspend the effectiveness during the existing national emergency of the tariff duty on coconuts ------------------------------- -- 505 --- D . C ., exemption of property from judicial process. AN ACT To amend the laws of the District of Columbia relating to the exemption of property from judicial process, the assignment of salary or wages, and the advance payment of salary or wages for the purpose of preventing attachment or garnishment. - -- 506 --- D. C., Commissioners. AN ACT To grant additional powers to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes ------ ----------------------------------- 507 --- D . C., boxing contests, etc. AN ACT To regulate boxing contests and exhibitions in the District of Columbia, and for other pur- poses-----

508 -- D . C., health regulations. AN ACT To extend the health regula- tions of the District of Columbia to Government restaurants within the District of Columbia-------------------------- 509 -- Second War Powers Act, 194, amendments. AN ACT To amend Public, Numbered 507, Seventy-seventh Congress second session, an Act to further expedite the prosecution of the war, approved March 27, 1942, known as the Second War Powers Act, 1942 ---------------------------------- 510 --- Virgin Islands. AN ACT To assist in the internal development of the Virgin Islands by the undertaking of useful projects therein, and for other purposes -------------------------- 511 -__ Internal Revenue Code, amendment. AN ACT Extending the time for the release of powers of appointment for the purposes of certain provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, and for other purposes --------------------------------------- 512 _ --Members of Congress, clerk hire. AN ACT To increase clerk hire, and for other purposes--- ------------------------------- 513 -__ Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the granting of permits to the Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies on the occasion of the inauguration of the President-elect in January 1945, and for other purposes-- 514 - Presidential inaugural ceremonies. JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for the maintenance of public order and the protection of life and property in connection with the Presidential inau- gural ceremonies of 1945-------------------------- 55 --- Preidntialinaugural ceremonies. JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for the quartering, in certain public buildings in the District of Columbia, of troops participating in the inaugural ceremonies ---------------------------------------- Date Dec. 16 , 1944__- Dec. 16, 1944_- - Dec. 16, 1944__ Dec. 16, 1944- _ - Dec. 16, 1944_- Dec. 16, 1944--- Dec. 19, 1944___ Dec. 19, 1944_-- Dec. 19, 1944--- Dec. 20, 1944_- Dec. 20, 1944_- - Dec. 20, 1944_- - Dec. 20, 1944--- Dec. 20, 1944_ -- Dec. 20, 1944_ - - Dec. 20, 1944__ - Dec. 20, 1944_- Dec. 20, 1944_- - Dec. 20,1944-_- Dec. 20 , 1944--- xix Page 812 813 813 814 815 815 815 816 816 817 817 819 823 826 827 827 830 831 832 834 Dee. 20, 1944--- 835