Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/193

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78TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 152-APR . 1, 1944 DEPARTMENT OF STATE For- "Salaries, Department of State, 1944", $1,058,400; "Passport agencies, Department of State, 1944", $9,700; "Collecting and editing official papers of Territories of the United States, 1944", $1,000; "Salaries, Foreign Service officers, 1944", $450,000; "Salaries, Foreign Service clerks, 1944", $619,000; "Miscellaneous salaries and allowances, Foreign Service, 194", $128,000; "Foreign Service, auxiliary (national defense), 1944", $352,000; "International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico, 1944", $55,000; "Salaries and expenses, International Joint Commission, United States and Great Britain, 1944", $3,000; "Special and technical investigations, International Joint Com- mission, United States and Great Britain, 1944", $2,500; Total, Department of State, $2,678,600. TREASURY DEPARTMENT For- "Salaries, Office of Secretary of Treasury, 1944", $30,000; "Salaries and expenses, foreign-owned property control, 1944", $375,000; "Salaries, Division of Tax Research, Treasury Department, 1944", $26,000; "Salaries, Office of Tax Legislative Counsel, Treasury Depart- ment, 1944', $4,000; "Salaries, Division of Research and Statistics, Treasury Department, 1944", $30,000; "Salaries, Office of General Counsel, Treasury Department, 1944", $20,000; "Salaries, Division of Personnel, Treasury Department, 1944", $31,000; "Salaries, Office of Chief Clerk, Treasury Department, 1944", $50,000; "Salaries, operating force, Treasury Department buildings, 1944", $85,000; "Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Accounts, Treasury Depart- ment, 1944", $116,000; "Salaries and expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1944", $500,000; "Salaries, Office of the Treasurer of the United States, 1944", $700,000; "Salaries, Office of the Treasurer of the United States (Federal Reserve notes, reimbursable), 1944", $13,000; "Collecting the revenue from customs, 1944", $3,420,000; "Salaries, Office of Comptroller of the Currency, 1944", $45,000; "Collecting the internal revenue, 1944", $18,000,000; "Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Narcotics, 1944", $177,000; "Salaries, Secret Service Division, 1944", $10,000; "Suppressing counterfeiting and other crimes, 1944", $207,000; "Salaries and expenses, guard force, Treasury Department buildings, 1944", $88,000; "Salaries and expenses, Office of Director of the Mint, 1944", $7,000; "Salaries and expenses, Procurement Division, 1944", $32,000; Total, Treasury Department, $23,966,000. Ante, p. 161. Ante, p. 161. Ante, p. 162; post, p. 612. Post,p . 612. Ante, p. 162 . 58 STAT.]