Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/202

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 152-APR . 1, 1944 For maintenance of air-navigation facilities, Civil Aeronautics Authority, $22.26. For salaries and expenses, Civil Aeronautics Authority, $18.66 . Department of the Interior: For mineral mining investigations, Bureau of Mines, $6.63 . For National Park Service, $95.17. For propagation of food fishes, Fish and Wildlife Service, $2.50. For migratory bird conservation fund, Fish and Wildlife Service (receipt limitation), $26,943.42. For salaries and expenses, agricultural experiment station and vocational school, Virgin Islands, $6.38. For Geological Survey, 75 cents. For additional lands, Kennesaw Mountain National Memorial Military Park, $51. For soil and moisture conservation operations, Department of the Interior, $3,000. For salaries and expenses, Government of the Virgin Islands, $6.39. For inquiry respecting food fishes, Fish and Wildlife Service, $5.30. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Biological Survey, $48.81. For surveying the public lands, $324.80 . For contingent expenses, Department of the Interior, 80 cents. For fishery industries, Fish and Wildlife Service, $15.92. For Indian school support, $849.84. For conservation of health among Indians, $536.79. For support of Indians and administration of Indian property, $118.15. For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, $65.07. For education of natives of Alaska, $1,247.38 . For Indian boarding schools, $2.96 . For expenses of organizing Indian corporations, and so forth, $6.80. For maintenance, Wapato irrigation and drainage system, and so forth, Yakima Reservation, Washington (receipt limitation), $75.99. For maintaining law and order on Indian reservations, $3.25. For Civilian Conservation Corps (transfer to Interior, Indians), $224.07. For emergency conservation work (transfer to Interior, Indians, Act June 22,1936), $5.15. For Indian service supply fund, $2,007.67. Department of Justice: For traveling expenses, Department of Justice, $12.90. For salaries and expenses, Lands Division, Department of Justice, $142.58. For fees of witnesses, Department of Justice, $8.85. For Federal jails and correctional institutions, maintenance, $14.27. For salaries and expenses, Federal Bureau of Investigation (National Defense), $47.88. For general expenses, Immigration and Naturalization Service, $44.73. For penitentiaries and reformatories, maintenance, $22.51. For miscellaneous expenses, United States courts (transfer to Jus- tice), $12.31. For salaries and expenses of marshals, and so forth, Department of Justice, $227.74. For printing and binding, Department of Justice, $194.36 . For support of United States prisoners, $1,182.43. For enforcement of antitrust and kindred laws, $2.70. For salaries and expenses, Federal Bureau of Investigation, $3.60. For miscellaneous salaries and expenses, field, Department of Justice, $2. [58 STAT. 182