Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/211

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58 STAT.] - 78TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 172-APR. 5 , 1944 order to ascertain lowest investment and operating costs, neces- sary to determine the best demonstration plant designs and con- ditions of operation; (b) to acquire, by purchase, license, lease for a term of years or less, or donation, secret processes, technical data, inventions, patent applications, patents, irrevocable nonexclusive licenses, and other rights and licenses under patents granted by this or any other nation; to acquire by purchase, lease for a term of years or less, or donation, land, and any interest in land (includ- ing easements and leasehold interests), options on real or per- sonal property, and plants and their facilities; to assume the obligation to pay rentals in advance on property so acquired, and to pay damages arising out of the use of any such property: Provided, however, That the maximum quantity of land or any interest therein, or any other property, acquired hereunder shall not exceed that necessary to carry on experiments for the pur- poses herein provided; (c) to engage, by contract or otherwise, engineers, architects, and any private industrial organization or any educational insti- tution he deems suitable, to do all or any part of the work of designing, constructing, or operating the plants, the operation to be under his supervision, and through leases or otherwise as he believes advisable; (d) to cooperate with any other Federal or State department, agency, or instrumentality, and with any private person, firm, educational institution, or corporation, in effectuating the pur- poses of this Act. SEC. 3. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to sell the prod- ucts of the plants at not more than actual cost, including amortization of capital expenses, as determined by him, to any department, agency, or instrumentality of the Federal or any State government, but pri- ority shall be given to orders placed by the War or Navy Depart- ments. Any remaining products may be sold at going prices to any purchaser through regular commercial channels. The Secretary of the Interior, subject to approval by Congress, shall also have author- ity to dispose of any lands or other real or personal property acquired, but in his opinion no longer useful, for the purposes of this Act; and he shall have authority to grant, on such terms as he may con- sider appropriate, licenses under patent rights acquired under this Act: Provided, That such licenses are consistent with the terms of the agreements by which such patent rights are acquired. No patent acquired by the Secretary of the Interior under this Act shall prevent any citizen of the United States, or corporation created under the laws of the United States or any State thereof, from using any inven- tion discovery, or process covered by such patent, or restrict such use by any such citizen or corporation, or be the basis of any claim against any such person or corporation on account of such use. SEc. 4. All moneys received under this Act for products of the plants and royalties shall be paid into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. The Secretary of the Interior shall render to Congress on or before the first day of January of each year a report of all opera- tions under this Act. SEC. 5. The Secretary of the Interior may issue rules and regula- tions to effectuate the purposes of this Act. The authority and duties of the Secretary of the Interior under this Act shall be exercised through the Bureau of Mines of the Department of the Interior. SEc. 6. There is authorized to be appropriated not to exceed the sum of $30,000,000 to carry out the provisions of this Act. Approved April 5, 1944. 191 Acquisition of pat- ent rights, properties, etc. Limitation. Plant construction and operation. Cooperation with other agencies. Sale of products. Disposition of prop- erty. Licenses under ac- quired patent rights. Deposit of receipts. Report to Congress. Rules and regula- tions. Appropriation au- thorized. AS, p. 494.