Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/298

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 257-JUNE 14,1944 Reconsidera Appeal. Effect ofsut legislation. Cooperation Social Securit. 49 Stat. 620 . 42U.S.C. 1307; Supp. II Ante, pp. pst, pp. 789, Annual ap tions. ti on. SEC. 9. All assistance grants made under this Act shall be recon- sidered by the Board of Public Welfare as frequently as it may deem necessary. After such further investigations as the Board of Public Welfare may deem necessary, the amount of assistance may be changed, or assistance may be entirely withdrawn if the Board of Public Welfare finds that the child's circumstances have altered sufficiently to warrant such action. SEC. 10. If an application is not acted upon within a reasonable time of the filing of the application, or is denied in whole or in part, or if any award of assistance is modified or canceled under any pro- vision of this Act, the applicant or recipient may appeal for a hear- ing to the Board of Public Welfare in a manner and form prescribed by the Board. sequent SEC. 11. All assistance granted under this Act shall be deemed to be granted and to be held subject to the provisions of any amending or repealing Act that may hereafter be passed, and no person shall have any claim for compensation or otherwise, by reason of a child's assistance being affected in any way by any amending or repealing Act. B rith SEC. 12. The Board of Public Welfare is hereby authorized and I. directed to cooperate in all necessary respects with the Social Security I, ch. Board of the United States Government in the administration of this 0 188; Act, and to accept any sums allotted or appropriated by such Board, as are available under the provisions of the Social Security Act. propria- SEC. 13. Congress shall appropriate annually and make available to the order of the Board of Public Welfare of the District of Columbia such sums as may be needed to pay the share of the District of Columbia for aid to dependent children provided under this Act together with a sufficient sum to defray its share of administrative expenses to be incurred in connection therewith, and include such sums in the annual District of Columbia Appropriation Act. Should the sum so appropriated, however, be expended or exhausted during the year for the purposes for which it was appropriated, additional sums shall be appropriated by Congress as the case demands to carry able. out provisions of this Act. The balance remaining in the appropria- tion "Home care for dependent children" as contained in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1944, approved July 1, 1943 (Public Law 107, Seventy-eighth Congress, first session), as of the effective date of this Act is hereby made available to carry out the provisions of this Act and shall continue available for such purpose through June 30, 1944. of ex SEC. 14. All necessary expenses incurred by the District of Colum- bia in carrying out the provisions of this Act shall be paid in the same manner as other expenses of the District of Columbia are paid. esenta- SE. 15. Any adult person who attempts to obtain or obtains, or aids or assists any child or other person to obtain, by false repre- sentation, fraud, or deceit, any allowance under this Act, or who receives for the benefit of any child any allowance knowing it to have been fraudulently obtained, shall upon conviction in the Munici- pal Court for the District of Columbia, criminal division, be punished by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 16. This Act shall be cited as the "Aid to Dependent Children Act". SEC. 17. The Act entitled "An Act to provide home care for depend- i32-7l ent children in the District of Columbia", approved June 22, 1926, and all other provisions of law in conflict with this Act, are hereby repealed. Deficiencies Funds avail 67 Stat. 334. Payment penses. False rep tions, etc. Punishmeni Short title. Repeals. 44 Stat. 758. D. C. Code to 32710. [58 STAT.