Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/316

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296 Conditions and standards. Illness or disability. Ante, p. 295. Voluntary leaving; misconduct. Failure to apply for or accept work. Nonattendance at training course. Stoppage due to la- bor dispute. Exceptions. Nonparticipant. Nonmember of class interested in dispute. Separability of de- pertments. Period of disqualifi- cation. PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 268 -JUNE 22, 1944 [58 STAT. (b) Such person shall be deemed eligible to receive an allowance for any week of unemployment if claim is made for such allowance and the Administrator finds with respect to such week that- (1) the person is residing in the United States at the time of such claim; (2) the person is completely unemployed, having performed no service and received no wages, or is partially unemployed in that services have been performed for fess than a full work- week and the wages for the week are less than the allowance under this title plus $3; (3) the person is registered with and continues to report to a public employment office, in accordance with its regulations; (4) the person is able to work and available for suitable work: Provided, That no claimant shall be considered ineligible in any period of continuous unemployment for failure to comply with the provisions of this subparagraph if such failure is due to an illness or disability which occurs after the commencement of such period. CHAPrER VYII-DISQUALm'CATIONs SEC. 800 . (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 700, a claimant shall be disqualified from receiving an allowance if- (1) he leaves suitable work voluntarily, without good cause, or is suspended or discharged for misconduct in the course of employment (2) he, without good cause, fails to apply for suitable work to which he has been referred by a public employment office, or to accept suitable work when offered him; or (3) he, without good cause, does not attend an available free training course as required by regulations issued pursuant to the provisions of this title. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 700, a claimant shall also be disqualified from receiving an allowance for any week with respect to which it is found that his unemployment is due to a stoppage of work which exists because of a labor dispute at the factory, establishment, or other premises at which he is or was last employed: Provided, That this subsection shall not apply if it is shown that- (1) he is not participating in or directly interested in the labor dispute which causes the stoppage of work; and (2) he does not belong to a grade or class of workers of which, immediately before the commencement of the stoppage there were members employed at the premises at which the stoppage occurs, any of whom are participating in or directly interested in the dispute: Provided, however, That if in any case separate branches of work, which are commonly conducted as separate business in separate premises, are conducted in sepa- rate departments of the same premises, each such department shall, for the purposes of this subsection, be deemed to be a sepa- rate factory, establishment, or other premises. (c) (1) If a claimant is disqualified under the provisions of sub- section (a) of this section, he shall be disqualified to receive any readjustment allowance for the week in which the cause of his dis- qualification occurred and for not more than four immediately following weeks.