Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/319

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58 STAT.] 78TH CONG. , 2 D SESS.-CH. 268-JUNE 22, 1944 (e) The Administrator shall from time to time certify to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment in advance or otherwise such sums as he estimates to be necessary to compensate any Federal department or agency for its administrative expenses under this title. Such sums shall cover periods of no longer than six months. (f) The Administrator shall also from time to time certify to the the Social Security Board such State departments or agencies as may be participating in the administration of this title, and the amount of the administrative expense incurred or to be incurred by a State under agreements made pursuant to this section. Upon such certifi- cation the Social Security Board shall certify such amount to the Secretary of the Treasury, in addition to the amount, if any, payable by said Board under the provisions of section 302 (a) of the Social Security Act, as amended, and the additional amount so certified shall be paid to each State by the Secretary of the Treasury out of the appropriation for the Veterans' Administration. (g) Any money paid to any cooperating agency or person, which is not used for the purpose for which it was paid shall, upon termina- tion of the period covered by such payment or the agreement with such agency or person, be returned to the Treasury and credited to the current appropriation for carrying out the purpose of this title, or, if returned after the expiration of period covered by this title, shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. SEC. 1101. (a) No person designated by the Administrator as a certifying officer shall, in the absence of gross negligence, or intent to defraud the United States, be liable with respect to the payment of any allowance certified by him under this title. (b) No disbursing officer shall, in the absence of gross negligence, or intent to defraud the United States, be liable with respect to any payment by him under this title if it was based upon a voucher signed by a certifying officer designated by the Administrator. SEC. 1102. Any claimant whose claim for an allowance has been denied shall be entitled to a fair hearing before an impartial tribunal of the State agency or such other agency as may be designated by the Administrator. The representative of the Administrator located in each State shall be the final appellate authority in regard to con- tested claims arising in such State, subject to review by the Administrator. SEC. 1103. In the case of any veteran eligible under the provisions of this title who either at the time of application for the benefits herein provided is a "qualified employee" as defined in section 8 of the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, as amended, or was last employed prior to such application by an employer as defined in section 1 (a) of the said Act, claim may be made through an office operated by or a facility designated as a free employment office by the Railroad Retirement Board pursuant to the provisions of said Act. In such cases, the conditions and standards as to suitability of work or existence of good cause, the intervals for making claim for and payment of benefits, and the administrative and appellate procedures prescribed by or under said Act shall govern, if not in conflict with the provisions of this title, the appellate procedures being subject to final appeal to the Administrator. In such cases, a reference in this title to a cooperating State agency shall be deemed to include the Railroad Retirement Board. CHArEI XII-DECISIONS AND PROCEDJUES SEC. 1200. The authority to issue subpenas and provisions for invoking aidof the courts of the United States in case of disobedience 299 Compensation to Federal agencies. Certification to Social Security Board. Payments to States. 49 Stat. 626. 42U. C. . 502 (a). Return and credit of unused funds. Nonliability of cer- tifying officer. Disbursing offcer. Hearing on denied claims. Claims through Railroad Retirement Board. 82 Stat. 107. 46U. S. . 1838. 82 Stat. 100. 48U. s. o. I61 (a)