Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/349

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58 STAT.] 78TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 275-JUNE 26, 1944 of the Corps of Engineers at civil technical institutions under the provisions of section 127a of the National Defense Act, as amended (10 U. S. C . 535); for examinations, surveys, and contingencies of rivers and harbors; for the execution of detailed investigations and the preparation of plans and specifications for projects heretofore or hereafter authorized; for printing and binding, newspapers, law- books, books of reference, periodicals, and office supplies and equip- ment required in the Office of the Chief of Engineers to carry out the purposes of this appropriation, including such printing as may be authorized by the Committee on Printing of the House of Repre- sentatives, either during a recess or session of Congress, of surveys authorized by law, and such surveys as may be printed during a recess of Congress shall be printed, with illustrations, as documents of the next succeeding session of Congress, and for the purchase of two hundred motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles and five motor- boats: Provided.That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for any preliminary examination, survey, project, or estimate not authorized by law, $51,344,000: Provided, That from this appropria- tion the Secretary of War may, in his discretion and on the recom- mendation of the Chief of Engineers based on the recommendation by the Board of Rivers and Harbors in the review of a report or reports authorized by law, expend such sums as may be necessary for the maintenance of harbor channels provided by a State, munici- pality, or other public agency, outside of harbor lines and serving essential needs of general commerce and navigation, such work to be subject to the conditions recommended by the Chief of Engineers in his report or reports thereon: Provided further, That no appropria- tion under the Corps of Engineers for the fiscal year 1945 shall be available for any expenses incident to operating any power-driven boat or vessel on other than Government business: Providedfurther, That $700,000 of the appropriation "Maintenance and improvement of existing river and harbor works" is hereby repealed. FLOOD CONTROL Flood control, general: For the construction and maintenance of certain public works on rivers and harbors for flood control, and for other purposes, in accordance with the provisions of the Flood Control Act, approved June 22, 1936, as amended and supplemented, including printing and binding, newspapers, lawbooks, books of reference, periodicals, and office supplies and equipment required in the Office of the Chief of Engineers to carry out the purposes of this appropriation, and for the purchase of forty motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles and one motorboat, and for preliminary examinations, surveys, and contingencies in connection with the flood control, $100: Provided, That funds appropriated herein may be used for flood-control work on the Salmon River, Alaska, as author- ized by law: Provided further, That funds appropriated herein may be used to execute detailed surveys, prepare plans and specifications, and to procure options on land and property necessary for the con- struction of flood-control projects heretofore or hereafter authorized or for flood-control projects considered for selection in accordance with the provisions of section 4 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, and section 3 of the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941 (55 Stat. 638): Provided further, That the expenditure of funds for completing the necessary surveys and securing options shall not be construed as a commitment of the Government to the con- struction of any project: Provided further, That no part of appro- priations made available to the Secretary of Agriculture for pre- 329 41 Stat. 785. 10 U. S. C., Supp. III, § 535. Printing and bind- ing. Unauthorized sur- veys, etc. Harbor channels. Power-driven boats. Sum repealed. Post, p . 872. Construction and maintenance. 49 Stat. 1570. 33U.S.C.§§701a- 701f, 701h; Supp. III, I§ 701b to 7011. Salmon River, Alaska. Surveys, options, etc. 52 Stat. 1216; 55 tat. 639. 33U.s. C.§701j; Supp. m, I 701f note. Completion of sur- veys, etc. Preliminary exami- nations, etc. Useoffundstoaceord with priorities