Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/363

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58 STAT.] 78TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 277-JUNE 26, 1944 pair clerk, House Resolution Numbered 313 of August 7, 1935); in all, $22,900. Special employees: Assistant foreman of the folding room, author- ized in the resolution of September 30, 1913, $1,980; laborer, author- ized and named in the resolution of April 28, 1914, $1,380; laborer, $1,380; in all, $4,740. Successors to any of the employees provided for in the two preceding paragraphs may be named by the House of Representatives at any time. Office of majority floor leader: Legislative clerk, $3,110; clerk, $2,530; additional clerk, $2,000; two assistant clerks, at $1,800 each; for official expenses of the majority leader, as authorized by House Resolution Numbered 101, Seventy-first Congress, adopted December 18, 1929, $2,000; in all, $13,240. Conference minority: Clerk, $3,180; legislative clerk, $3,060; assistant clerk, $2,100; janitor, $1,560; in all, $9,900. The foregoing employees to be appointed by the minority leader. Two messengers, one in the majority caucus room and one in the minority caucus room, to be appointed by the majority and minority whips, respectively, at $1,740 each; in all, $3,480. Two printing clerks, one for the majority caucus room and one for the minority caucus room, to be appointed by the majority and minor- ity leaders, respectively, at $2,000 each; in all, $4,000. POST OFFICE Salaries: Postmaster, $5,000; assistant postmaster, $2,880; two registry and money-order clerks, at $2,100 each- forty messengers (including one to superintend transportation of mails), at $1,740 each; substitute messengers and extra services of regular employees, when required, at the rate of not to exceed $145 per month each, $1,740; laborer, $1,260; in all, $84,680. Motor vehicles: For the purchase, exchange, maintenance, and repair of motor vehicles for carrying the mails, $2,200. OFFICIAL REPORTERS OF DEBATES Salaries: Seven official reporters of the proceedings and debates of the House at $7,500 each; clerk, $4,000; assistant clerk, $2,000; six expert transcribers at $2,000 each; in all, $70,500. COMMITTEE STENOGRAPHERS Salaries: Four stenographers to committees, at $7,000 each and two stenographers to committees, at $6,000 each- clerk $3,360; six expert transcribers at $2,000 each; in all, $55,360: Provided, That any sums received from the sale of copies of transcripts of hearings of com- mittees reported by such stenographers shall be covered into the Treas- ury as "miscellaneous receipts . Whenever the words "during the session" occur in the foregoin paragraphs they shall be construed to mean the one hundred and eighty-one days from January 1 to June 30, 1945, inclusive. CLERK HIRE, MEMBERS AND DELEGATES For clerk hire necessarily employed by each Member and Delegate, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, in the discharge of his official and representative duties, in accordance with the Act entitled "An Act to fix the compensation of officers and employees of the legislative branch of the Government", approved June 20, 1929, as amended by the Act of July 25, 1939, $2,847,000. 343 Transcrpts of hear- ings. "During the ses- sion." Post, p. 832. 46 Stat. 38; 53 Stat. 1080. 2U.S.C.§60b