Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/383

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58 STAT.] 78TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 286 -JUNE 27, 1944 363 and for the purposes of said Act of October 10, 1940, and regulations promulgated thereunder; and the purchase of maps, textbooks, news- papers and periodicals; $41,785: Provided, That notwithstanding Suppies andi tech- the requirements of existing laws or regulations, and under such terms and conditions as the Commission may in its discretion deem necessary and proper, the Commission may contract for work, sup- plies, materials, and equipment in Europe and engage, by contract or otherwise, the services of architects, firms of architects, and other technical and professional personnel: Provided further, That whei Army officers, ex- traveling on business of the Commission, officers of the Army serving as members or as secretary of the Commission may be reimbursed for expenses as provided for civilian members of the Commission: And provided further, That the Commission may delegate to its Delegation of au- chairman, secretary, or officials in charge of either its Washington or Paris offices, under such terms and conditions as it may prescribe, such of its authority as it may deem necessary and proper. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Salaries and expenses: For all expenses necessary for the work of the Civil Service Commission, including personal services in the Dis- trict of Columbia; not to exceed $3,750 for employment of expert examiners not in the Federal service on special subjects for which examiners within the service are not available; medical examinations; contract stenographic reporting services; traveling expenses, includ- ing those of examiners acting under the direction of the Commission, and expenses of examinations and investigations held in Washington and elsewhere, including not to exceed $5,000 for expenses of attend- ance at meetings of organizations concerned with the work of the Commission; witness fees and mileage, including fees to deponents and persons taking depositions, at rates paid in the courts of the United States; rental of equipment; laundry service; not to exceed $10,000 for purchase and exchange of lawbooks, books of reference, newspapers, and periodicals; not to exceed $200 for payment in advance for library membership in societies whose publications are available to members only or to members at a price lower than to the general public; charts; maintenance, and repair of motortrucks, motorcycles, and bicycles; not to exceed $217,000 for printing and binding; $5,821,900, of which not to exceed $100,000 shall be avail- able for reimbursement to the Veterans' Administration for services rendered the Commission in connection with physical examinations of applicants for and employees in the Federal classified service; not to exceed $90,000 for performing the duties imposed upon the Civil Service Commission by the Act of July 19, 1940 (54 Stat. 767); and not to exceed $3,000 for actuarial services by contract, without regard to section 3709, Revised Statutes: Provided, That no details from any executive department or independent establishment in the District of Columbia or elsewhere to the Commission's central office in Washington or to any of its regional offices shall be made during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1945, but this shall not affect the making of details for service as members of the boards of examiners outside the immediate offices of the regional directors, nor shall it affect the making of details of persons qualified to serve as expert examiners on special subjects: Providedfurther, That the Civil Serv- ice Commission shall have power in case of emergency to transfer or detail any of its employees to or from its office or field force. Salaries and expenses, national defense: For all necessary expenses of the Civil Service Commission in connection with the recruitment and placement of civilian personnel required in connection with Post, pp. 602, 856, 874. Reimbursement of Veterans' Administra- tion. Pernicious political activities. 18U.S.0.it61a, 61b, 61J,61-61t;Supp. III, § 61h. 41 U.S. . I5. Details, restriction. Emergency trans- fers or details. National defense ac- tivities. Post,p . 55.