Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/408

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 287-JUNE 27, 1944 either (a) the classified civil service; (b) the unclassified civil service; (c) any temporary or emergency establishment, agency, bureau, administration, project, and department created by Acts of Congress or Presidential Executive order; and (d) the civil service of the Dis- Ex-servicemenand trict of Columbia, preference shall be given to (1) those ex-service women with service- connected disahity. men and women who have served on active duty in any branch of the armed forces of the United States and have been separated there- from under honorable conditions and who have established the pres- ent existence of a service-connected disability or who are receiving compensation, disability retirement benefits, or pension by reason of public laws administered by the Veterans' Administration, the War Wives of certaindis- Department or the Navy Department; (2) the wives of such service- edex-serviemen. connected disabled ex-servicemen as have themselves been unable to Unmarried widows qualify for any civil-service appointment; (3) the unmarried widows of deceased ex-servicemen who served on active duty in any branch of the armed forces of the United States during any war, or in any campaign or expedition (for which a campaign badge has been authorized), and who were separated therefrom under honorable con- veterans of active ditions; and (4) those ex-servicemen and women who have served on servce n a active duty in any branch of the armed forces of the. United States, during any war, or in any campaign or expedition (for which a campaign badge has been authorized), and have been separated there- from under honorable conditions. Entrance examina- SE. 3. In all examinations to determine the qualifications of appli- Points added to cants for entrance into the service ten points shall be added to the earned ratngs, earned ratings of those persons included under section 2 (1), (2), and (3), and five points shall be added to the earned ratings of those Custodial employ- persons included under section 2 (4) of this Act: Provided, That in examinations for the positions of guards, elevator operators, mes- sengers, and custodians competition shall be restricted to persons entitled to preference under this Act as long as persons entitled to preference are available and during the present war and for a period of five years following the termination of the present war as pro- claimed by the President or by a concurrent resolution of the Con- gress for such other positions as may from time to time be deter- mined by the President. Where experience a SEC. 4 . In examinations where experience is an element of qualifi- qualification. Credit for time in cation, time spent in the military or naval service of the United s ervice. States shall be credited in a veteran's rating where his or her actual employment in a similar vocation to that for which he or she is areditfor al valu examined was interrupted by such military or naval service. In all examinations to determine the qualifications of a veteran applicant, credit shall be given for all valuable experience, including experience gained in religious, civic, welfare, service, and organizational activi- ties, regardless of whether any compensation was received therefor. waiver of certain SEC. 5 . In determining qualifications for examination, appointment, ments. 1 promotion, retention, transfer, or reinstatement, with respect to pref- erence eligibles, the Civil Service Commission or other examining agency shall waive requirements as to age, height, and weight, pro- vided any such requirement is not essential to the performance of the duties of the position for which examination is given. The Civil Service Commission or other examining agency, after giving due consideration to the recommendation of any accredited physician, shall waive the physical requirements in the case of any veteran, provided such veteran is, in the opinion of the Civil Service Com- mission, or other examining agency physically able to discharge efficiently the duties of the position for which the examination is tLremuimBremen, given. No minimum educational requirement will be prescribed in any civil-service examination except for such scientific, technical, or [58 STAT.