Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/414

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 292, 293-JUNE 28, 1944 carrying and handling the several classes of mail matter and of Useof departmental performing the special services, and to state the results annually and and field appropria- tions. pay the cost thereof out of the departmental and field appropriations of the several bureaus of the Department supervising or conducting the studies." Approved June 28, 1944. [CHAPTER 293] AN ACT June 28, 1944 [H. R. 4033] Relating to the use of the penalty mail privilege. [Public Law 364] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Penalty mail priv- United States of America in Congress assembled, That all envelopes, Procurement of en- labels, wrappers, cards, and other articles, bearing the indicia velopes, etc. prescribed by law for matter mailed free of postage under the penalty privilege by all executive departments and agencies, all independent establishments of the Government, and all other organi- zations and persons authorized by law to use the penalty privilege, shall be procured or accounted for through the Postmaster General Annual statement under such regulations as he shall prescribe. The head of each such to Postmaster Gen- eral. department, agency, establishment, or other organization, or each such person, shall submit to the Postmaster General within sixty days after the close of each fiscal year a statement showing the number of envelopes, labels, wrappers, cards, and other articles bearing such indicia on hand at the close of such fiscal year. Congress anod toB SEo. 2. (a) The Postmaster General shall report to the Congress reau of the Buget. and to the Bureau of the Budget as soon as practicable after the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1944, and within ninety days after the close of each subsequent fiscal year, the number of envelopes, labels, wrappers, cards, and other articles bearing such penalty indicia used during such fiscal year by each executive department and agency, by each independent establishment, and by each organi- zation and person authorized by law to use the penalty privilege. Quarterly reports. (b) The Postmaster General shall, beginning with the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1944, report quarterly to the Congress and the Bureau of the Budget the number of envelopes, labels, wrappers, cards, and other articles bearing such penalty indicia procured or accounted for, through him, by each such department, agency, estab- lishment, and other organization and person, together with the esti- mated number of pieces and weight of matter mailed free of postage under the penalty privilege and the estimated cost of handling such matter as determined by the cost ascertainment procedure of the Post Appropriation Office Department. mates to cover han (c) Based on the estimated cost determined in accordance with ding costs. subsection (b), each such department, agency, and independent estab- lishment, except the Post Office Department, shall include in its annual estimates of appropriations an amount representing the antici- pated costs to the Post Office Department of handling the penalty mail of such department, agency, or independent establishment. lenDt eSTreasurya (d) Within thirty days following determination and advice by the Postmaster General of the estimated cost of handling the penalty mail, each such department, agency, and independent establishment shall deposit in the general funds of the Treasury as miscellaneous eight limitation. receipts from its appropriations an amount equivalent to such costs. SEC. 3. On and after August 1, 1944, no article or package of official matter, or number of articles or packages of official matter constituting in fact a single shipment, exceeding four pounds in weight shall be admitted to the mails under the penalty privilege, except (1) stamped paper and supplies sold or used by the postal [58 STAT.