Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/499

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78TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 298-JUNE 28, 1944 Pierre, South Dakota: For three hundred pupils, $110,110; for pay of superintendent, drayage, and general repairs and improve- ments, $15,200; in all, $125,310; In all, for above-named nonreservation boarding schools, not to exceed $2,627,620: Provided, That 10 per centum of the foregoing amounts shall be available interchangeably for expenditures for similar purposes in the various boarding schools named, but not more than 10 per centum shall be added to the amount appropriated for any one of said boarding schools or for any particular item within any boarding school. Any such interchanges shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget. For tuition and for care and other assistance for Indian pupils attending public schools and special Indian day schools and for the repair of special Indian day schools in the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw. Chickasaw, and Seminole Nations and the Quapaw Agency in Okla- homa, $375,000, to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary and under regulations to be prescribed by him: Provided, That not to exceed $26,000 may be expended for the payment of salaries of public-school teachers, employed by the State, county, or district in special Indian day schools in full-blooded Indian communities, where there are not adequate white day schools available for their attendance. Natives in Alaska: To enable the Secretary, in his discretion, to provide for support and education and relief of destitution of the Eskimos, Aleuts, Indians, and other natives of Alaska, including necessary traveling expenses of pupils to and from boarding schools in Alaska; repair and rental of school buildings; textbooks and industrial apparatus; pay and traveling expenses of employees; repair, equipment, maintenance, and operation of vessels; and all other necessary expenses which are not included under the above special heads, $1,444,250, to be immediately available and to remain available until June 30, 1946: Provided, That a report shall be made to Congress covering expenditures from the amount herein provided for relief of destitution. 58 STAT.] CONSERVATION OF HEALTH For conservation of health among Indians, including equipment materials, and supplies; repairs and improvements to buildings and plants; compensation and traveling expenses of officers and employees and renting of quarters for them when necessary; transportation of patients and attendants to and from hospitals and sanitoria; return- ing to their former homes and interring the remains of deceased patients; for clinical surveys and general medical research in con- nection with tuberculosis, trachoma, and venereal and other disease conditions among Indians, including cooperation with State and other organizations engaged in similar work and payment of travel- ing expenses and per diem of physicians, nurses, and other persons whose services are donated by such organizations, and including printing and binding circulars and pamphlets for use in preventing and suppressing trachoma and other contagious and infectious diseases, $5,734,135: Provided, That nonreservation boarding schools receiving specific appropriations shall contribute on a per diem basis for the hospitalization of pupils in hospitals located at such schools and supported from this appropriation: Provided further, That in the discretion of the Secretary and under such regulations as may be prescribed by him, fees may be collected from Indians for medical, hospital, and dental service and any fees so collected shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States. Clinical surveys and general medical research. Contributions from nonreservation board- ing schools. Collection of fees. 479 Pierre, S. Dak. Interchange of amounts. Report to Congress. Tuition for Indian children at public schools, etc. Salaries of certain public-school teach- ers. Natives in Alaska. Support, relief, etc. Report to Congress.