PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 300-JUNE 28,1944 Advances. Meters in taicabs, etc. 20U.S.0.H15h- lip. vehicle, $113,210: Provided,That the Disbursing Officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance to the Superintendent of the Department of Weights, Measures, and Markets, upon requisition previously approved by the Auditor of the District of Columbia, sums of money, not exceeding $100 at any one time, to be used exclusively in connection with investigations and detection of short weights and measures; Minimum Wage and Industrial Safety Board, $38,922; Office of Administrator of Rent Control, $87,733; Office of Recorder of Deeds, including lawbooks and $100 for equipment and medical supplies for rest room, $162,422; Poundmaster's office, $25,555; Public Utilities Commission, including a people's counsel and news- papers, $107,959: Provided, That no appropriation in this Act shall be used f6r or in connection with the preparation, issuance, publica- tion, or:enforcement of any regulation or order of the Public Utilities Commission requiring the installation of meters in taxicabs, or for or in connection with the licensing of any vehicle to be operated as a taxicab except for operation in accordance with such system ofuniform zones and rates and regulations applicable thereto as shall have been prescribed by the Public Utilities Commission; Zoning Commission, $14,112. PUBLIC SCHOOLS OPERATING EXPEITS General administration: For all expenses necessary for the general administration of the public school system of the District of Colum- bia, including personal services; printing and binding; lawbooks, books of reference, and periodicals; allowances for privately owned automobiles used for the performance of official duties within the District of Columbia (not to exceed $264 per annum for each auto- mobile); $350,105, of which $10,000 shall be immediately available. General supervision and instruction: For all expenses necessary for supervision, instruction, and education in the teachers colleges and in the day, evening, and summer public schools of the District of Columbia, and the education of foreigners of all ages in the Ameri- canization schools; including personal services; printing and binding; textbooks, lawbooks, books of reference, newspapers, and periodicals; and subsistence supplies for pupils attending the schools for crippled children; $9,767,200, of which $300,000 shall be available immediately. Vocational education, George-Deen program: For all expenses nec- essary for the development of vocational education in the District of Columbia in accordance with the Act of June 8, 1936 (49 Stat. 1488), including personal services, and allowances for privately owned auto- mobiles used for the performance of official duties within the District of Columbia (not to exceed $100 per annum for each automobile), $118,177. Operation of buildings and maintenance of equipment: For all expenses necessary for the operation of school buildings and the pur- chase and repair of equipment, including personal services, insurance and operation, maintenance, and repair of District-owned or borrowed automobiles used in driver-training courses, and allowances for pri- vately owned automobiles used for the performance of official duties within the District of Columbia (not to exceed $264 per annum for each automobile), $2,004,500, of which $150,000 shall be immediately available. [58 STAT.