Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/575

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58 STAT.] 78TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 302-JUNE 28, 1944 of the education and training of defense workers, through certifica- tion from time to time, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the United States Commissioner of Education (hereinafter referred to as the "Commissioner") under the supervision and direction of the Federal Security Administrator and approved by the President, by the Commissioner to the Secretary of the Treasury of the name of such agency or the name of such school, college, or university to whom pay- ment is to be made, and the amount to be paid, such payment to be made prior to audit and settlement by the General Accounting Office as follows: (1) For the cost of vocational courses of less than college grade provided by such agencies in vocational schools, including vocational schools exempt from taxation under section 101 (6) of the Internal Revenue Code, or by such vocational schools pursuant to plans sub- mitted by them and approved by the Commissioner, which plans shall include only courses of types approved by the Chairman of the War Manpower Commission as supplementary to employment in occupations essential to the national defense, and types of preem- ployment and refresher courses similarly approved for workers pre- paring for such occupations and selected from the public employ- ment office registers, and for the cost of vocational courses of types similarly approved of less than college grade in private vocational schools (regardless of tax liability) and in other private facilities where equipment for training is available, including not to exceed $3,000,000 for payment to such agencies for rental of additional space and for the acquisition by purchase, rental, gift, or otherwise of new or used equipment found necessary by the Commissioner for carry- ing out the approved plans, not to exceed $36,000,000 of the unobligated balance of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year 1944, including repayments thereto. (2) For the cost of short courses of college grade provided by degree-granting colleges and universities pursuant to plans submitted by them and approved by the Commissioner, which plans shall be for courses of types approved by the Chairman of the War Manpower Commission designed to meet the shortage of engineers, chemists, physicists, and production supervisors in fields essential to the national defense, and such plans may provide for regional coordination of the defense training program of the participating colleges and uni- versities, $4,000,000, together with not to exceed $6,000,000 of the unob- ligated balance of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year 1944, including repayments thereto: Provided, That only colleges and universities which operate under charters which exempt their educational property from taxation and public degree-granting educa- tional institutions shall be eligible to receive funds herefrom: Pro- vided further, That not to exceed 121/2 per centum of the amount allotted to any school shall be allotted to it for expenditure for purchase and rental of additional equipment and leasing of additional space found by the Commissioner necessary to carry out its approved plan. (3) For the cost of vocational courses in food production and con- servation, mechanics, farm-machinery repair, and farm-labor train- ing of less than college grade designed to give general preemployment mechanical training and to assist in attaining the production goals for those farm commodities designated from time to time in the food- for-freedom program promulgated by the United States Department of Agriculture pursuant to plans submitted by such agencies and ap- proved by the Commissioner, $10,500,000, together with the unobli- gated balance of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year 1944, including repayments thereto, of which total amount not to 555 Vocational courses of less than college grade. 53 Stat. 33 . 26U.S.C. 101(6). 57 Stat. 603. Short courses of col- lege grade. 67 Stat. 604 . Colleges eligible to receive funds. Additional equip- ment and space. Food production. Preemployment mechanical trainin.