Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/611

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78TH CONG., 2D SESS. - CH. 303-JUNE 28,1944 authorized in section 113, Act of June 3, 1916, and under this head in War Department Appropriation Act of June 7, 1924; for the con- duct of the national matches, including incidental travel of rifle teams and of individuals and of Marine Corps and other detachments required in the operation of the matches and including incidental travel of rifle teams and individuals attending regional, national, and international competitions, and for the purchase of medals and badges for use in National Rifle Association competitions, including those fired as a part of the national matches; for mileage at 8 cents per mile for members of the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Prac- tice when authorized by the Secretary of War, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding; and for maintenance of the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice, including not to exceed $4,500 for incidental expenses in addition to the amount authorized by Act of May 28, 1928; to be expended under the direction of the Secre- tary of War; $100. INTER-AMERICAN RELATIONs, WAR DEPARTMENT For all expenses necessary to enable the Secretary of War to adopt such measures, appropriate to the functions and activities of the War Department, as he may deem advisable, to promote better relations with the other American countries, including transportation and sub- sistence expenses, while traveling in the Western Hemisphere, of army officers and military students of the other American countries and Army officers of the United States, $100. ARMY OF THE PHILIPPINE For all expenses necessary for the mobilization, operation, and maintenance of the Army of the Philippines, including expenses con- nected with calling into the service of the armed forces of the United States the organized military forces of the Government of the Com- monwealth of the Philippines, and expenditures incident to pay allowances, operation, maintenance, and other activities of units and personnel of said organized military forces, and for the emergent mobilization and training of such forces, may be made without regard to the provisions of law regulating the expenditure of or accounting for funds of the United States but shall be expended and accounted for in a manner prescribed by the President of the United States, $100, which shall be available for payment to the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines upon its written request, either in advance of or in reimbursement for all or any part of the estimated or actual cost, as authorized by the Commanding General, United States Army Forces in the Far East, of necessary expenses for the purposes aforesaid: Provided, That any appropriation for the Mili- tary Establishment may be applied to the purposes aforesaid and may be reimbursed by transfer from this appropriation of the value of such property or service as may have been or may be applied to such purposes and any amount so transferred shall be available for expendi- ture for the purposes of the appropriation so reimbursed during the fiscal year in which such amount was received and the ensuing fiscal year. SALARIES, WAR DEPARTMENT For compensation for personal services in the War Department proper, as follows: Office of Secretary of War: Secretary of War, Under Secretary of War, Assistant Secretaries of War, and other personal services, $564,000: Provided,That not to exceed $200,000 of the appropriations 39 Stat. 211; 43 Stat. 610. 32U.S.C.§§183, 186, 181. National matches. Mileage for Board members. Maintenance of Board. 45 Stat. 786. 32U.S.C. §181c. Mobilization, opera- tion, and mainte- nance. Availability of funds. Transfer of funds. Expenses of perom In advisory capacity. 591 58 STAT.]