Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/639

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58 STAT.] 78TE CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 304-JUNE 28, 1944 For salaries and expenses of marshals, and so forth, Department of Justice, $141.84. For salaries and expenses, veterans' insurance litigation, Depart- ment of Justice, 92 cents. Department of Labor: For traveling expenses, Department of Labor, $105.82. Navy Department: For miscellaneous expenses, Navy, $348.98. For Naval Reserve, $6,152.68. For welfare and recreation, Navy, $7.28. For engineering, Navy, $39,271.08. For maintenance, Bureau of Ships, $1,327,990.26. For ordnance and ordnance stores, Navy, $604,062.26. For pay, subsistence, and transportation, Navy, $23,033.72. For maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $3,493.66 . For fuel and transportation, Navy, $10.97. For foreign-service pay adjustment, appreciation of foreign cur- rencies (Navy), $50. For maintenance, Bureau of Yards and Docks, $6,571.29. For pay and allowances, Coast Guard (Navy), $489.10. For civilian employees, Coast Guard (Navy), $1,059.33 . For general expenses, Coast Guard (Navy), $575.45. For salaries, lighthouse vessels, Coast Guard (Navy), $995.54. For aviation, Navy, $2,753,997.82. For aviation, 1938 contracts, Navy, $19,113.66 . For pay, Marine Corps, $1.24. For general expenses, Marine Corps, $9,943.92. Post Office Department-Postal Service (out of the postal rev- enues): For city delivery service, $139.87. For clerks, first- and second-class post offices, $300.20. For furniture, carpets, and safes for public buildings, Post Office Department, $151.73. For indemnities, domestic mail, $13.55 . For operating supplies for public buildings, Post Office Department, $4.40. For special-delivery fees, $80.20. For transportation of equipment and supplies, $15.68 . For vehicle service, $2.16. Department of State: For convention for promotion of inter- American cultural relations, $74.92. For transportation, Foreign Service, $8.32. For contingent expenses, Department of State, $3.35. For office and living quarters' allowances, Foreign Service, $93.75. For contingent expenses, Foreign Service, $28.34. Treasury Department: For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Nar- cotics, $144.36. For collecting the internal revenue, $154.12 . For salaries and expenses, branch of supply, Procurement Division, $11.74. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, $39,250. For stationary, Treasury Department, $10.99. War Department: For educational orders, production of muni- tions, War Department, $339,701.11 . For pay of the Army, $560.37. For travel of the Army, $11.16. For subsistence of the Army, $4.12 . For general appropriations, Quartermaster Corps, $2.89 . For clothing and equipage, $26.52. For Army Transportation, $84.63. 619