Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/690

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PUBLIC LAWS---CH 358-JULY 1, 1944 Promotion of deeon- tralizationofadminis- tration. Consultata. Use of funds for other contracting agencies. Determination of part each agency is to pay. Trans of funds. Joint exrdame d at tbority. Effective date. Applicability to pre- viously settled con- tracts. Ante, pp. 658, 65 662-657,66 22 U. . C., Sapp. 1If 411-419. Ate, p. 2. bemptiona. (c) promote decentralization of the administration of termina- tion settlements and interim financing by fostering delegation of authority within contracting agencies and to war contractors, to the extent he deems necessary and feasible; and (d) consult with war contractors through advisory committees or such other methods as he deems appropriate. USE OF APPROPBIATED FUNDB SEc. 22 . Any contracting agency is authorized- (a) to use for interim financing, the payment of claims, and for any other purposes authorized in this Act any funds which have heretofore been appropriated or allocated or which may here- after be appropriated or allocated to it, or which are or may become available to it, for such purposes or for the purposes of war production or war procurement; (b) to use any such funds appropriated, allocated, or available to it for expenditures for or in behalf of any other contracting agency for the purposes authorized in this Act; and (c) to determine by agreement, joint estimate, or any other method authorized by the Director, the part of any expenditure made pursuant to subsection (b) hereof to be paid by each con- tracting agency concerned and to make transfers of funds between such contracting agencies accordingly. Transfers of funds between appropriations carried upon the books of the Treasury shall be made by the Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with joint requests of the contracting agencies involved. DELEOAIIZON OF AUTHORITY SEO 23. (a) The Director may delegate any authority and discre- tion conferred upon him by this Act to any Deputy Director, and may delegate such authority and discretion, upon such terms and condi- tions as he may prescribe, to the head of any Government agency to the extent necessary to the handling and solution of problems peculiar to that agency. (b) The head of any Government agency may delegate any authority and discretion conferred upon him or his agency by or pursuant to this Act to any officer, agent, or employee of such agency or to any other Government agency, and may authorize successive redelegations of such authority and discretion (c) Any two or more Government agencies may exercise jointly any authority and discretion conferred upon each of them indi- vidually by or pursuant to this Act. (d) Nothing in this Act shall prevent the Director from exercising any authority conferred upon him by any other statute. AIPLICArBITY SEC. 24 . (a) This Act shall become effective twenty days after the date of its enactment. With the exception of the provisions of para- graphs (b), (c), (d), and (e) of section 12, and of sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 13, this Act shall be applicable in the case of any terminated war contract which has been finally settled at or before the effective date of this Act. (b) Nothing in this Act shall limit or affect any authority con- ferred by the Act of March 11, 1941 (55 Stat. 31), as amended, or Acts supplemental thereto. SEO. 25. Subject to policies prescribed by the Director, any contract- ing agency may exempt from some or all of the provisions of this Act [58 STAT.