Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/699

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58 STAT.] 78TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CHS. 370, 371-JULY 1, 1944 by the United States to respond for the value of such property without the necessity for either an appraisement or the deposit of the value of the prize with the Treasurer of the United States or any other public depository". SEC. 3. That the title of such Act is amended by striking out the words "the present" therein so that the title, as amended, shall read "An Act to facilitate the disposition of prizes captured by the United States during war, and for other purposes". Approved July 1, 1944. [CHAPTER 371]N ACT AN ACT To amend the Act approved March 7, 1942 (56 Stat. 143), as amended (56 Stat. 1092; 50 App. U. S . C., Supp. III, 1001-1017 inclusive), so as to more specifically provide for pay, allotments, and administration pertaining to war casualties, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act entitled i'An Act to provide for continuing payment of pay and allowances of personnel of the Army Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, including the retired and 'Reserve components thereof; the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Public Health Service, and civilian employees of the executive departments, independent estab- lishments, and agencies, during periods of absence from post of duty, and for other purposes", approved March 7, 1942 (56 Stat. 143), as amended December 24, 1942 (56 Stat. 1092; 50 App. U. S. C., Supp. III, 1001-1017, inclusive) is amended by changing subsection (a) (3) of section 1, thereof to read as follows: "(3) civilian officers and employees of departments during such time as they may be assigned for duty or serving outside the continental limits of the United States or in Alaska, exclusive of part-time or intermittent employees or native labor casually hired on an hourly or per diem basis;" and by changing subsection (c) of section 1 thereof to read as follows: "(c) the term 'dependent' as used in this Act includes a lawful wife, unmarried child under twenty-one years of age. It includes also a dependent mother, father, or unmarried dependent stepchild or adopted child under twenty-one years of age, or such dependent as has been designated in official records, or an individual deter- mined to be dependent by the head of the department concerned, or subordinate designated by him;". SEC. 2 . That section 2 of such Act is amended to read as follows: "SEa. 2 . Any person who is in active service and who is officially determined to be absent in a status of missing, missing in action, interned in a neutral country, captured by an enemy, beleaguered or besieged shall, for the period he is officially carried or determined to be in any such status, be entitled to receive or to have credited to his account the same pay and allowances to which he was entitled at the beginning of such period of absence or may become entitled thereafter, and entitlement to pay and allowances shall terminate upon the date of receipt by the department concerned of evidence that the person is dead or upon the date of death prescribed or determined under provisions of section 5 of this Act: Provided, That such entitlement to pay and allowances shall not terminate upon expiration of term of service during absence and in case of death during absence shall not terminate earlier than the dates herein prescribed: Provided further, That there shall be no entitlement to pay and allowances for any period during which such person may 679 Amendment oftitle. July 1, 1944 [H. R . 4405] [Public Law 408] Missing Persons Act, amendments. 50 U. . C., Supp. III, app. § 1001-1017. Civilian officers and employees outside U.S. "Dependent." . 6 Stat. 144. Persons determined missing, captured, etc. Pay and allowances. 66 Stat. 145 Expiration of term of service; death. Absenae without authority.