Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/727

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78TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 373-JULY 1, 1944 TITLE IV-NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE TO BE A DIVISION IN NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SEC. 401. The National Cancer Institute shall be a division in the National Institute of Health. CANCER RESEARCH, AND SO FORTH SEC. 402. In carrying out the purposes of section 301 with respect to cancer the Surgeon General, through the National Cancer Institute and in cooperation with the National Cancer Advisory Council, shall- 707 Ante, p. 691. (a) conduct, assist, and foster researches, investigations, re Fs etcr i experiments, and studies relating to the cause, prevention, and methods of diagnosis and treatment of cancer; (b) promote the coordination of researches conducted by the Coorinatior Institute and similar researches conducted by other agencies, organizations, and individuals; (c) provide training and instruction in technical matters relat- Technicaltri ing to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer; (d) provide fellowships in the Institute from funds appropri- Felowships. ated or donated for such purpose; (e) secure for the Institute consultation services and advice Consultation of cancer experts from the United States and abroad; (f) cooperate with State health agencies in the prevention, states. control, and eradication of cancer; (g) procure, use, and lend radium as provided in section 403. Radium. ADMINISTRATION SEC. 403. (a) In carrying out the provisions of section 402 all appropriate provisions of section 301 shall be applicable to the authority of the Surgeon General, and he is authorized- (1) to purchase radium, from time to time, without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, to make such radium avail- able for the purposes of this title, both to the Service and by loan to other agencies and institutions for such consideration and subject to such conditions as he may prescribe; (2) to provide the necessary facilities where training and instruction may be given in all technical matters relating to diagnosis and treatment of cancer to persons found by the Sur- geon General to have proper technical qualifications, and desig- nated by him for such training or instruction, and to fix and pay them a per diem allowance during such training or instruc- tion of not to exceed $10. (b) The Surgeon General shall recommend acceptance of condi- tional gifts pursuant to section 501 of this Act, for study, investiga- tion, or research into the cause, prevention, and methods of diagnosis and treatment of cancer, or for the acquisition of grounds or for the erection, equipment, or maintenance of premises, buildings, or equip- ment of the Institute, only after consultation with the National Can- cer Advisory Council. Donations of $50,000 or over in aid of research under this title may be acknowledged by the establishment within the Institute of suitable memorials to the donors. (c) In carrying out the purposes of section 402 grants-in-aid for cancer projects shall be made only after review and recommendation of the National Cancer Advisory Council made pursuant to section 404. Purchase of radium without advertising; availability. 41 U.S.C. §5. Instruction of Qual- ified persons. Allowance while training. Acceptance of con- ditional gifts. Pot,p. 709. Grants-in-aid lf cancer projects. 58 STAT.] ngof iofre- dsining. 3s. a with