Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/752

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[58 STAT. PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 410, 411-SEPT. 8 , 17,1944 39 Stat. 742. 5 U. S. C . i§751-791, 793; Supp. , §793. Ante, p. 712 post, p. 887. Settlement in full. Right of action against third parties. Reports to Oon- gress. United States Employees Compensation Act, as amended, if the dis- abled or deceased person were an employee of the United States; or (b) for property loss or damage: Provided, That settlement shall not be made in excess of $3,000 for injury to any one building or structure. SEC. 3 . Any settlement made under the provisions of section 2 hereof shall be in full settlement of all such claims against the Government of the United States. SEC. 4 . In connection with any settlement authorized by section 2 hereof, the Secretary may require assignment to the United States of any right of action against third parties arising from the death, injury, or property damage with respect to which such settlement is made. SE. 5. The Secretary of the Navy shall transmit to the Congress each claim submitted the Navy Department in accordance with section 1 hereof not settled by him, with supporting papers and a report of his finding of facts and recommendations thereon and also a report of each claim settled and paid by him pursuant to section 2 hereof. Such reports shall contain a brief statement of the character and jus- tice of each claim so transmitted or settled, the amount claimed, and the amount found due. Approved September 8, 1944. [CHAPTER 411] AN ACT September 17, 1944 [H. R. 4780] To fix the fees for domestic insured and collect-on-delivery mail, special-delivery [Public Law 424] service, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Postal Service, ees. United States of America in Congress assembled, That paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 211 of title II of the Act entitled "An Act reclassifying the salaries of postmasters and employees of the Postal Service, readjusting their salaries and compensation on an equitable basis, increasing postal rates to provide for such readjustment, and as3. s. c. C 245, for other purposes", approved February 28, 1925 (43 Stat. 1069), as 246. amended, are further amended to read as follows: nsurance fees. "SEc. 211. (a) The fee for insurance shall be 3 cents for indemnifi- cation not to exceed $5, 10 cents for indemnification not to exceed $25, 15 cents for indemnification not to exceed $50, and 25 cents Receiptfordelivery. for indemnification not to exceed $200. Whenever the sender of an insured article of mail matter shall so request, and upon payment of a fee of 4 cents at the time of mailing, or of 7 cents subsequent to the time of mailing, a receipt shall be obtained for such insured mail matter, showing to whom and when the same was delivered, which receipt shall be returned to the sender and be received in the courts as prima facie evidence of such delivery: Provided, That upon payment of the additional sum of 27 cents at the time of mail- ing by the sender of an insured article of mail matter, a receipt shall be obtained for such insured mail matter, showing to whom, when, and the address where the same was delivered, which receipt shall be returned to the sender, and be received in the courts as prima Refunds. facie evidence of such delivery: Provided further, That no refund shall be made of fees paid for return receipts for registered or insured mail where the failure to furnish the sender a return receipt or the equivalent is not due to the fault of the Postal Service. Conect-on-delivery "(b) The fee for collect-on-delivery service for domestic third- and Domestic third-and fourth-class mail shall be 15 cents for collections and indemnity not tforth-clsasmaiL to exceed $2.50; 20 cents for collections and indemnity not to exceed $5; 30 cents for collections and indemnity not to exceed $25; 40 cents for collections and indemnity not to exceed $50; 50 cents for collec- 732