Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/756

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TITLE II Protection of SEO. 201. The Secretary of Agriculture may pay rewards from nwa-dres appropriations available for the protection and management of the national forests, under such regulations as he may prescribe, for information leading to the arrest and conviction for violation of the laws and regulations relating to fires in or near national forests, or for the unlawful taking of, or injury to, Government property. Forest ervice. SEC. 202. Appropriations for the Forest Service shall be available etc., for immediate for medical supplies and services and other assistance necessary for relief. the immediate relief of artisans, laborers, and other employees engaged in any hazardous work under the Forest Service. ment, and P' ima. SEC. 203. The Forest Service may sell and distribute supplies, equipment, and materials to other Government activities and to State and private agencies who cooperate with the Forest Service in fire control under terms of written cooperative agreements, the cost of such supplies, equipment, and materials, including the cost of super- vision, transportation, warehousing, and handling, to be reimbursed to appropriations current at the time additional supplies, equipment, and materials are procured for warehouse stocks. Reimbursement of SEC. 204. Appropriations for the work of the Forest Service avail- appropriations for work of Forest Serv- able for the operation, repair, maintenance, and replacement of motor ice. and other equipment may be reimbursed for use of such equipment on projects of the Forest Service chargeable to other appropriations, or on work of other Federal agencies, when requested by such agencies, reimbursement to be made from appropriations applicable to the work on which used at rental rates fixed by the Chief Forester based on the actual or estimated cost of operation, repair, maintenance, depreciation, and equipment management control, and credited to appropriations currently available at the time adjustment is effected. Renta of equip- The Forest Service may also rent equipment for fire-control purposes ment for fire-control purposes. to State, county, private, or other non-Federal agencies cooperating with the Forest Service in fire control under the terms of written cooperative agreements, the amount collected for such rental to be credited to appropriations currently available at the time payment is received. Aerial fire control. SEC. 205. The Forest Service may provide for the maintenance and operation of aerial fire control by contract or otherwise, with authority to renew any contract for such purpose annually, not more than twice, without additional advertising. care of grves of SEC. 206. Appropriations for the Forest Service shall be available fire fighters. within such limitations as may be prescribed therein for the expenses of properly caring for the graves of persons who have lost their lives as a result of fighting fires while employed by the Forest Service. SEC. 207. Section 2 of the Clarke-McNary Act of June 7, 1924 Forestfit oopera- (16 U. S. C . 565), is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof tionwithoutmatching the following: "Provided, That for each fiscal year during the existing oun ds. emergency the Secretary of Agriculture may authorize expenditures not to exceed $1,000,000 from appropriations made pursuant to this Act for preventing and suppressing forest fires on critical areas of national importance without requiring an equal expenditure by the State and private owners." tatefnd mcoopac- SEC. 208. No part of any appropriation which is available for tiosnt. tat carrying out the Cooperative Farm Forestry Act (16 U.S . C. 568b) 6ta. s tat, and sections 4 and 5 of the Clarke-McNary Act (16 U. S. C. 567-568) shall be expended in any State or Territory unless the State or Territory, or local subdivision thereof, or individuals, or associations contribute a sum equal to that to be allotted therefrom by the Gov- PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 412-SEPT. 21, 1944 [58 STAT. 736