Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/762

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 412-SEPT. 21, 1944 bureau, division, or office of the Department of Agriculture shall be available interchangeably for expenditures on the objects included Limitation. within the general expenses of such bureau, division, or office, but no more than 7 per centum shall be added to any one item of appropria- tion except in cases of extraordinary emergency. Department build- SEC. 703. The Department of Agriculture is authorized to erect, ingetc. alter, and repair such buildings and other public improvements as may be necessary to carry out its authorized work: Provided,That no building or improvement shall be erected or altered under this author- ity unless provision is made therefor in the applicable appropriation and the cost thereof is not in excess of limitations prescribed therein. Newspapers. SEC. 704. The Department of Agriculture is authorized to sub- scribe for such newspapers as may be necessary to carry out its authorized work: Provided,That purchases under this authority shall not be made unless provision is made therefor in the applicable appropriation and the cost thereof is not in excess of limitations prescribed therein. Contingent nds S. 705. (a) The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to dele- gate to such officers as he shall designate the authority to expend such contingent funds as may be appropriated to the Department. portingrvhic re- (b) The Department of Agriculture is authorized to contract for portinag ric stenographic reporting services. abroadn pm nt (C) Employees of the Department of Agriculture stationed abroad may, with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture, enter into leases for official quarters, for periods not exceeding one year, and may pay rent, telephone, subscriptions to publications, and other charges incident to the conduct of their offices and the discharge of their duties, in advance, in any foreign country where custom or practice requires payment in advance. mploymentof per- SEC. 706. (a) The War Food Administrator is authorized to em- ploy personnel in accordance with the provisions of law applicable to the appointment and compensation of persons employed by the Agricultural Adjustment Agency. The Department of Agriculture may employ persons or organizations, on a temporary basis, by sU. 8t.C . 6l; contract or otherwise, without regard to the Classification Act of supp. II, ise1 el q. 1923, as amended: Provided, That no expenditures for such tempo- rary employment shall be made unless provision is made therefor in the applicable appropriation and the cost thereof is not in excess of limitations prescribed therein. etravel epenseg (b) The Department of Agriculture is authorized to pay actual ian aadvsorycapai- ttansportation and other necessary expenses and not to exceed $10 per diem in lieu of subsistence of persons serving, while away from their homes, without other compensation from the United States, in an advisory capacity to the Department of Agriculture: Provided, That such expenditures shall not be made unless provision is made therefor in the applicable appropriation and the cost thereof is not in excess of limitations prescribed therein. 53 stat. 589. SEC. 707. The Act of April 24,1939 (7 U. S . C . 343c-1), is amended by striking out the figure "$300,000" and inserting in lieu thereof "$555,000", and by adding immediately before the period at the end Apportionment. thereof the following: ": Provided, That the appropriations made pursuant to this authorization shall be apportioned to the States in accordance with the apportionment of the like sum in the fiscal year 1944". slep Of d msito SEC. 708. The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to make copies of bibliographies prepared by the Department library, microfilm and other photographic reproductions of books and other library mate- rials in the Department and sell such bibliographies and reproduc- 742 [58 STAT.