Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/818

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 546-548-DEC. 8,1944 46s tat. 5.291 Act of June 9, 1930 (46 Stat. 528), shall be entitled to pension in her 3.. own right under said Acts at the rates and under the conditions speci- Additionalorminor fied therein and to the additional pension provided for minor and and helpls childen helpless children in the Act of May 1, 1920, provided she married the veteran ten or more years prior to his death and lived with him con- tinuously from the date of marriage to the date of his death except where there was a separation which was due to misconduct of or pro- le gcted torheid cured by the veteran without the fault of the widow: Provided,That under 16. if pension has been granted to an insane, idiotic, or otherwise helpless child of the veteran or to a child or children of the veteran under sixteen years of age, the widow shall not be entitled to the pension authorized in this Act until the pension to the child or children ter- minates, unless such child or children be a member or members of her family and cared for by her; and when these conditions are ful- filled and the pension is granted to the widow, payment of pension to such child or children shall cease; except that in the event the amount being paid to such child or children is less than the amount authorized to the widow by this Act, then the difference between said Widow under 0. amounts will be paid to the widow: Provided further, That no pen- sion shall be payable under this Act to a widow under sixty years of age. Effectivedate. SE. 2. Payment of pension as provided by this Act shall be effective from the date of receipt of application in the Veterans' Administration, after the date of enactment of this Act, in the form Remarred widows prescribed by the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs. Pension under this Act shall not be paid to the widow of a veteran of the Civil War who has remarried either once or more than once since the death of the veteran, and upon the remarriage of such a widow her pension prov^n fore i tu shall be terminated. The penal and forfeiture provisions of the pen- sion laws providing pensions for veterans of the Civil War and their widows and dependents shall be applicable to the provisions of this Act. Approved December 8, 1944. [CHAPTER 547] December 8, 1944 [H. R . 4311] [Public Law 472] Assistant Secre- taries of State. December 8, 1944 [H. R . 5386] [Public Law 473] Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, amendment. 54 tat. 890. 50U.S.0. app. i308(b). ieemployment. AN ACT To authorize the appointment of two additional Assistant Secretaries of State. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be in the Department of State beginning immediately for the period of the emergency and not to exceed two years following the cessation of hostilities two additional Assistant Secretaries of State, each of whom shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and who shall serve without numerical designation of rank. Approved December 8, 1944. [CHAPTER 548] AN ACT To amend the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, as amended, to ex- tend the time within which application may be made for reemployment, and for other purposea Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 8 (b) of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, Public Law 783, Seventy-sixth Congress, approved September 16, 1940 (50 U. S . C. 308), as amended, be further amended by striking out the word forty therefrom and substituting the word "ninety" therefor, and 798 [58 STAT.