Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/893

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58 STAT.] 78TH CONG., 2 D SESS.-CH. 660-DEC. 22, 1944 the objects specified under this head in the War Department Civil Appropriation Act, 1945, $10,400, to remain available until expended. Ante, p . 332 . TITLE II-PENALTY MAIL COSTS SEC. 201. For deposit in the general fund of the Treasury for costs of penalty mail, fiscal year 1945, as required by section 2 of the Act of June 28,1944 (Public Law 364), as follows: Ant, p.39. LETISATIVE BRANCH Architect of the Capitol, $278. Ante, p. 3. Botanic Garden: Not to exceed $45 of the appropriation "Mainte- Ante, p. 34 nance, Botanic Garden, 1945." Library of Congress, $13,875. Ante, p 348. Government Printing Office, $281,200. Ante, p. 32. THE JUDICIARY Supreme Court of the United States: Not to exceed $1,480 of the appropriation "Miscellaneous expenses, Supreme Court, 1945". Ante, p.3 4 Court of Customs and Patent Appeals: For an additional amount Ant"l p. 35I for contingent expenses, Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, $167: Provided, That not to exceed such amount of such total appropriation for such fiscal year shall be available for the purpose of this section. United States Customs Court: For an additional amount for con- Ate, p 36. tingent expenses, United States Customs Court, $463: Provided, That not to exceed such amount of such total appropriation for such fiscal year shall be available for the purpose of this section. Court of Claims: For an additional amount for contingent expenses. Ante, p. S36 . Court of Claims, $463: Provided,That not to exceed such amount of such total appropriation for such fiscal year shall be available for the purposes of this section. An, p. 367. Miscellaneous expenses, United States Courts, $77,700. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT The White House Office: Not to exceed $4,163 of the appropriation "Contingent expenses, the White House Office, 1945". Ante, p. 831. Bureau of the Budget: Not to exceed $463 of the appropriation "Salaries and expenses, Bureau of the Budget, 1945". Ant, . 361. Office of Censorship: Not to exceed $9,250 of the appropriation "Salaries and expenses, Office of Censorship, 1945". Anu, p. 34. Petroleum Administration for War: Not to exceed $23,125 of the appropriation "Salaries and expenses, Petroleum Administration for Ante, p . 34 . War, 1945". Office of Price Administration: Not to exceed $5,550,000 of the appropriation "Salaries and expenses, Office of Price Administra- Ante,p.600 . tion, 1945". Office of Strategic Services: Not to exceed $27,750 of the appropria- tion "Salaries and expenses, Office of Strategic Services, 1945". Ante p. 534 War Refugee Board: Not to exceed $36 of the appropriation for salaries and expenses of the War Refugee Board. Ant, p. 86 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT--OFFICE FOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Office of Alien Property Custodian: Not to exceed $6,145 of the funds Ante P- 856- available for the expenses of the Office. Office of Civilian Defense: Not to exceed $1,804 of the appropria- tion "Salaries and expenses, Office of Civilian Defense, 1945. . A" »3 873