Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/904

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PUBLIC LAWS-COH. 60-DEC. 22, 1944 For furniture, carpets, and safes for public buildings, Post Office Department, $15.32. For miscellaneous items, first- and second-class post offices, $395.70. For operating supplies for public buildings, Post Office Depart- ment, $1,130.87. For operating force for public buildings, Post Office Department, $27.50. For transportation of equipment and supplies, $268.64. For village delivery service, $57.31. Department of State: For emergency fund for the President, Navy (allotment to Department of State), $555.74. For emergency fund for the President, War (allotment to Depart- ment of State), $77.69. For contingent expenses, Department of State, $291.29. For salaries of Ambassadors and Ministers, $94.31. For salaries, Foreign Service clerks, $30. For miscellaneous salaries and allowances, Foreign Service, $539.50. For transportation, Foreign Service, $6,712.48. For contingent expenses, Foreign Service, $29.79. For office and living quarters' allowances, Foreign Service, $1,594.70. For cost of living allowances, Foreign Service, $1.059.33 . For representation allowances, Foreign Service, $298.57. For Foreign Service pay adjustment, appreciation of foreign cur- rencies (State), $37.50. For convention for promotion of inter-American cultural relations, $20. For Eighth American Scientific Congress, $22.50. For working fund, State commercial and cultural relations (emer- gency management, coordination between American republics, War), $24.28. For cooperation with the American republics, $89.69 . Treasury Department: For collecting the revenue from customs, $1,810.65. For salaries, Office of Treasurer of United States, $295.33. 3 stat. 2., For expenses of loans, Act September 24, 1917, as amended and 761. extended, $66.09. For salaries and expenses, Foreign Exchange Control $6.02. For salaries and expenses, Division of Disbursement, $7.45. For salaries and expenses, Procurement Division, $2.61. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Narcotics, $13.50. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, $12,738.45. For collecting the internal revenue, $502.10. War Department: For pay of the Army, $3,469.43. For travel of the Army, $94.31. For arrears of pay, bounty, and so forth, $7.85. For subsistence of the Army, $52.46. For general appropriations, Quartermaster Corps, $23.65. For emergency fund for the President, War (allotment to War Department), $382.91. For Selective Service System (transfer to War), $1,228.20. For Army transportation, $65.33. For Air Corps, Army, $162.49. For Medical and Hospital Department, Army, $10.20. For replacing regular supplies of the Army, $5.28. For replacing clothing and equipage, $41.28. For clothing and equipage, Army, $94.08. For National Guard, $42.80. For citizens' military training camps, $49.97, [58 STAT.