Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/955

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IND Agriculture, Department of-Continued. Page Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bureau of-Continued. Dutch elm disease control, State, etc., cooperation--------------- 43 Exports, certification of, receipts from-----------------------_ 44C Foreign plant quarantines, receipts from operations --------. - -- 44( Sweetpotato weevil control, State cooperation --------- _------- 438 White pine blister rust control, funds available ------------------- 442 Experiment stations, allotments for -- 735 Experiment Stations, Office of, appro- priation for_--_--------- -_--_ 167,432 Extension Service, appropriation for-_ - 167, 431, 862 Extension work, cooperative, increase in annual appropriation author- ized; apportionment .- -- - ___- -_ Farm Credit Administration. See sep- arate title. Farm Labor Supply Appropriation Act, 1944. See separate title. 742 Farm or food products, sale of samples, sets of grades recommended, etc- __ 738 Farm Security Administration. See separate title. Farm Tenant Act. See separate title. Farmers, cancelation or adjustment of indebtedness under designated Acts -------------------------- 836 Farming materials, availability of funds for purchases and grants of --- _ 450, 737 Federal Crop Insurance Act. See separate title. Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation- Appropriation for-------------- 460, 606 Nonadministrative expenses ----- 460, 741 Transfer of funds to certain Treas- ury Department appropriations_ 200 Field offices, restriction on use of funds for - -. .------ ----- - 428 Flood and windstorm damage, loans to farmers, appropriation available___ Flood-control projects. See Water- sheds, soil-erosion prevention, etc., this title. Food Distribution Administration- Appropriation for ------------- Transfer of funds to certain Treas- ury Department appropriations_ 224 168 198, 200 Foreign Agricultural Relations, Office of- Aliens, employment of-------------- 462 Appropriation for-------------- . 167,430 " " EX II Agriculture, Department of-Continued. Page Forest perpetuation, study of effect of tax laws, etc------------------- 216 Appropriation authorized ---------_ 217 Appropriation for ------- . - - - - -- - 445 Forest roads and trails, appropriation for -------- -------------- 168, 446 Forest Service- Aerial fire control -- _. ---- -.- ----. 736 Buildings, cost limitation-------- _ 442, 446 Equipment- Reimbursement for use on work of other agencies ---------- . 4 43, 736 Rental to non-Federal agencies__ 443, 736 Sale and distribution of ------ ___ 736 Farm and other private forestry co- operation- Appropriation for ---------- _ 168, 445 State fund matching ----------- _ 736 Firefighters, care of graves of- Appropriation for ------------- _ 444 Appropriations available -------- 736 Forest-fire cooperation- Appropriation for---- _--- --- _ 168, 445 Expenditures, authorization of, without matching of funds--- 736 Forest-fire prevention in critical areas of national importance- -- ___ 445, 736 Lands in process of acquisition or transfer, funds available for --- 737 Medical supplies, etc., funds avail- able --------. ---.---------- 736 Nacogdoches County, Tex., transfer of certain lands to Angelina National Forest -------------------- _ 911 National-forest lands, appropriation for acquisition of ------------ 446 National-forest receipts, disposition of certain -----------------. - 227 Salaries and expenses, appropriation for-------------- .- 156, 168,442,606 Schools and roads, basis of expendi- tures for, from sales of forest products ----------------- 444, 737 Timber purchasers, acceptance of money from ------------- _ 444,737 Warehouse maintenance, etc., funds available for ------------ ---- 443 Water rights, appropriation author- ized for investigation and estab- lishment of ------- _---------- 737 White pine blister rust control, funds available------------------- . 442 Forests- Cooperative sustained-yield manage- ment ------------- ._


132 Appropriation authorized-------- _ 135 Appropriation for-- - -- ___ _ -- 44 4,606 Protedtion of, rewards for information of violations of forest laws, etc-- 736