Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/968

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INDEX California-Continued. Page Yosemite National Park, appropriation for--------------------------- 500 Yuma project, appropriation for---- 170, 486 California D6bris Commission, appro- priation for --------------------- 328 Cambridge, Ohio, flood-control examina- tion of Leatherwood Creek author- ized --.- -.- ---- ---- ---- --. .. .-- - Cambridgeport, Vt., restriction on prosecu- tion of flood-control project -_ -- - _- Camp Allen Reservation, Norfolk, Va., conveyance of certain land to The Virginian Railway Company- _ _ -- _ -- Canada: Highways, connection with National System of Interstate Highways___ Insect pests and plant diseases, appro- priation for control of incipient and emergency outbreaks--------- International Boundary Commission, U. S . and Canada and Alaska and Canada, appropriation for ----- Provisional Fur Seal Agreement of 1942, Act giving effect to------------- Canal Zone. See also Panama Canal.

  • Citizenship requirements, employees-- _

Civil government, appropriation for-- District judge, attorney, and marshal, term of office ------------------ Maintenance, etc., appropriation for- - Navy Department- Hours of employment and rates of pay of skilled, etc., personnel -- Panamanian citizens, employment of; restrictions, etc---------- ... Retirement and disability fund, appro- priation for ------------------- 903 893 814 842 440 404 100 320, 332,594 174, 332, 872 676 331 320 320 364 Sanitation, appropriation for _ - - - - - _ 174, 332 War Department- Hours of employment and rates of pay of skilled, etc., personnel - 333, 594 Panamanian citizens, employment of; restrictions, etc _- --- --- ---- 332, 594 Canal Zone Code, Amendment, term of district judge, attorney, and marshal- 676 Cancer Council, National Advisory, mem- bership, etc ------------ _ -- _----_ 691 Cancer Institute, National: Appropriation for__ -- --- -- -_ --- --- -_ 560 Organization, functions, etc _- - - -- - -- - 707 Capitol Buildings and Grounds: Maintenance, etc., appropriation for_ 163, 347 Police duty, details for---------- . 345, 354 Westinghouse Electric and Manufac- turing Co., funds made available for contract obligation with ----- , 599 Capitol Police: Page Appropriation for-------- 163, 338, 342, 345 Details to Capitol Grounds, etc----- 345, 354 Standards required ---------------- 354 Capitol Power Plant, appropriation for operation, etc -------------- 151, 164, 347 Capper-Ketcham Act, appropriation to effect provisions of ---------------- 431 Captured Persons: Navy Department personnel, appro- priations available for pay of --- 322 Pay, allotments, etc----------------- 679 Carderock, Md., Experimental Model Basin, appropriation for _-- - - -_- - -- 306 Carlton Bridge, jurisdiction of court to consider claim of State of Maine for damages --------------- _------ --- 915 Carriers: Accounts, appropriation for regulation of ---------------------------- 372 Armed services, reduced fares for per- sonnel ------------------------ 751 Emergency expenses, expediting of traffic, etc., appropriation for ---- 373 Locomotive inspection, appropriation for--- -------------------- 165, 373 Motor transport regulation, appropria- tion for--------------------- 165,373 Railroads, acreage limitation on coal- land holdings --------- _-------- 275 Safety of employees and travelers, in- vestigations, reports, etc., appro- priation for ------------ _----- 165, 372 Signal safety systems, investigations, etc., appropriation for --------- 165, 372 Valuation of property, appropriation for------------------------ . 165, 373 Wage disputes, settlement of--------- . 642 Carson City, Nev., appropriation for edu- cation of Indians------------------ 478 Carson Indian Reservation, Nev., appro- priation for irrigation system ------- 476 Carter Seminary, Okla., appropriation for education of Indians ------------- _ 478 Casper, Wyo., clerk of U. S . District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of--------------- 356 Cattle Act, cancelation or adjustment of indebtedness under --------- _

_ 836 Caustic Poison Act, Federal, appropria- tion for enforcement -------------- 552 Cavalry School, Fort Riley, Kans., appro- priation for-------- __

__ --- _ 587 Caynga Creek, N. Y., approval of water- shed program-------------------- 906 Cazenovia Creek, N. Y., approval of water- shed program-------------------- 906 Ceiling Price Orders, printing require- ment modifiped 161 ____

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