Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/981

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Defense Transportation, Office of-Con. Page Damage Claims-Continued. Page San Francisco, city and county of, payment to-------------------- 916 Selective Service System, appropriation for------------------- _ 177, 614, 876 Strategic Services, Office of, appropria- tion for --------------------- 614 Treasury Department, appropriation for--------------------- 177,614,877 Veterans' Administration, appropriation for ------------------------- 614, 876 Volusia County, Fla., payment to ---- 917 War Department- Appropriation for ------ 163, 578, 613, 872 Appropriations available ---------- 333 War Food Administration, appropria- tion for---------------------- 614, 877 War Relocation Authority, appropria- tion for _-_------- --- --- --- - 177 War Shipping Administration, appro- priation for--------------------- 876 Davis, Harvey N., reappointment to Board of Regents of Smithsonian Institu- tion---------------------------- 751 Davis-Bacon Act, appropriation for ad- ministration of-------------------- 547 Davis Dam Project, Ariz. -Nev., funds available for Davis-Phoenix transmis- sion line ------------------------ 490 Deadwood, S. Dak., clerk of U. S. District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of -------------- 356 Deaf, Columbia Institution for the, ap- propriation for -------------- 166, 552, 857 Debt, Public, increase of limitation------ 272 Deep Red Run, Okla., flood-control ex- amination authorized -------------- 904 Deer Creek, flood-control project author- ized---------------------------- 895 Defense. See War and National Defense. Defense Aid Appropriation Act, 1945- - - 628 Defense Bases Outside U. S ., appropria- tion for application of employees' compensation acts----------------- 566 Defense Highway Act of 1941: Amendment, access roads, increase in authorized appropriation -------- 189 Appropriations to carry out provisions 371 of----------------------------- 371 Damage claims under, appropriation for payment of -------------- 153, 604, 858 District of Columbia, appropriation for post-war improvements ----------- 52 Defense Housing. See War Housing under Housing. Defense Transportation, Office of: Appropriation for --------------- 164, 538 Director, funds available for employ- m,,nt ,f --

152 Helium plants, transportation of work- ers and school children ---------- Penalty mail costs, appropriation avail- able for------------------------ Subsistence to witnesses, certification requirement -------------------- Synthetic liquid fuel demonstration plants, transportation of workers and school children ------------- Defense Workers: Education and training, appropriation 499 874 538 495 for ---------------------- --- 554 Time limit on use of funds for training_ 572 Training within industry, appropriation for---------------

571 Deficiency Appropriation Acts. See also Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1945, First. Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1944, First- 150 Aeronautics, National Advisory Com- mittee for, appropriation for------ 165 Agriculture, Department of, appropria- tion for -------------------- 156, 167 Architect of the Capitol, appropriation for ------------------------ 151, 163 Audited claims, appropriation for----- 179 Botanic Garden, appropriation for----- 164 Budget, Bureau of the, appropriation for

164 Capitol Police, appropriation for------ 163 Censorship, Office of, appropriation for_ 165 Civil Service Commission, appropria- tion for ------------------------ 165 Commerce, Department of, appropria- tion for --------------- ------ 168 Defense 'ransportation, Oltlie. of Approplriation for 164 l)irect.or, eilllll ynluent of, fIllll. avail- able .. .. 152 District of Columbia, appropriation for------------------------- 154,174 Emergency Management, Office for- Appropriation for------------------ 164 Appropriations, availability of------- 152 Employees' Compensation Commission, appropriation for--------------- 165 Export-Import Bank of Washington, appropriation for---------------- 164 Federal Communications Commission, appropriation for -------------- 165 Federal Power Commission, appropria- tion for--------------------- 165 Federal Security Agency, appropriation for----------------------- - 152, 166 Federal Trade Commission, appropria- tion for------------------------ 165 Federal Works Agency, appropriation for--------------------- - 153, 167 93650o--4- -PT. --- 61 936601-45KEPT. 1 61 INDEX XXIX