Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/996

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INDEX Federal Security Agency-Continued. Education, Office of-Continued. Defense workers, appropriation for Pag Federal Security Agency-Continued. Veterans' Administration, transfer of Page funds from -------------- ___---_ 381 Vocational Rehabilitation, Office of, ap- propriation for -----------. --. 166, 563 Federal Seed Act: education and training________ -55. Time limit on use of funds---- __ _ 57: General expenses, appropriation for__ 554 85' Library service, appropriation for_ 166, 55; Loans to students, appropriation for_ 161 National-defense activities, appropri- ation for ------ ______ _ . 166, 554, 551 Salaries, appropriation for_______ - 166, 554 Vocational education, appropriation for.-------..----------- . 166, 554 Employees, temporary additional com- pensation for, availability of appro- priations ----------------------- 572 Enemy aliens and restricted persons, ap- propriation for temporary aid to - 564 Food and Drug Administration, appro- priation for --------------166, 552, 857 Freedmen's Hospital- Appropriation for --------- _ 166, 553, 602 District of Columbia- Amounts chargeable to----_ -- __ - 553 Reimbursement to U. S ., appropri- ation for------------------- 519 Student nurses, transfer of funds for items furnished under training program ---.------------ _ 152, 557 General Counsel, Office of, appropria- tion for--------------------- 166, 565 Howard University, appropriation for._ 166, 553 Judgments, appropriation for ----. .- 615 National Youth Administration. See separatetitle. Overthrow of U. S. Government, re- striction on employment of person advocating -----------_ _ _. _- -- _ 572 Overtime or other pay increases- Appropriation for -------- .- -- -- -- 166 Appropriations, availability of______ 572 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for _ 874 Personnel Supervision and Manage- ment, Division of, appropriation for -------------------------- 565 Printing and binding, appropriation for ------------------------ 566, 857 Public Health Service. See separate title. St. Elizabeths Hospital, appropriation for.- -- -_ .---. ---.--------- 166, 560 Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after- ----------------------- . 572 Social Security Board. See separate title. Traveling expenses, appropriation for- 565. 857 741 455 179 198 Appropriation for--------.. ._--- _ 165, 366 Penalty mail costs, appropriation avail- able for__________ _ --- ---- --- -- 874 Federal Works Agency: Administrator, Office of, appropriation for --------------------- 167, 366, 602 Balances of appropriations, etc., disposi- tion of ----------------- .. .-- -- 603 Bond sale receipts, covering into Treas- ury --------------------------- 603 Damage claims, appropriation for- -_ - 177, 614, 876 Emergency relief liquidation, funds available for payment of claims - 603 Housing. See separatetitle. Inaugural ceremonies- Quartering of troops in public build- ings ------------------------ 835 Telegraph, telephone, and radio wires, authorization for -------. . _-- . 834 Inspectors of buildings abroad, assign- ment of personnel as ------ .. .- - . 407 Judgments, appropriation for -- ..- -. - 877 Liquidation of obligations, funds avail- able for ----- .- - ... ..__------- _ 603 Overtime or other pay increases, appro- priation for-_____-__.._______. 167 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for- _ 874 Public Buildings Administration- Administrative expenses, general, ap- propriation for --- .-- --- - _ _ 167, 367 Baltimore parcel-post station, acqui- sition of property, appropriation for; reservation by grantor .-- 603 Furniture, use of present -- __ -__ 368 Governmental activities, furnishing of quarters, etc., to, payment for---.-----.---------- _. 368, 858 Judgments, appropriation for ------- 178, 179, 615, 877 Per diem employees, pay rates, etc _ 368 Public Buildings Acts, appropriation for avinn r-. . -ne -' f .7*(S vu- Juvlfuuns Or--- 6f7 XLIV Amendment, use of funds for Interna- tional Seed Testing Congress------ ppropriation to effect provisions of __ Federal Surplus Commodities Corpora- tion: Judgment in favor of Kingan and Com- pany, Inc., appropriation for pay- ment of --------- __-___________ Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations ------ Federal Trade Commission: . - - --