Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/126

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1040 PRIVATE LAWS-CHS. 493, 494-NOV. 29, 1944 [58 STAT. was expended from August 1 through September 26, 1939, under symbol 11564. Malcolm L. stod- Fifth: Malcolm L. Stoddard, certifying officer at Veterans' Admin- dard istration facility, Togus, Maine, in the sum of $467.50, which amount was expended from January 1 through June 30, 1939, under symbol 11565. D.F . Ivory. Sixth: D. F. Ivory, certifying officer at Veterans' Administration facility, Togus, Maine, in the sum of $42.50, which amount was expended June 30,1939, under symbol 11565. F.X. McFadden. Seventh: F. X . McFadden, certifying officer at Veterans' Admin- istration office, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the sum of $4.20, which amount was expended July 31,1941, under symbol 11566. H. H. Higgin- Eighth: H. H. Higginbotham, certifying officer at Veterans' Admin- istration facility, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the sum of $5.26, which amount was expended in May 1941, under symbol 11568. . Guy F. Palmer. Ninth: Guy F. Palmer, certifying officer at Veterans' Administra- tion facility, Dearborn, Michigan, in the sum of $4, which amount was expended in July 1941, under symbol 11571. . G.sims. Tenth: I. G. Sims, certifying officer at Veterans' Administration facility, Knoxville, Iowa, in the sum of $60, which amount was expended July 23, 1941, under symbol 11571. A. B. Conley. Eleventh: A. B . Conley, certifying officer at Veterans' Administra- tion facility, Wichita, Kansas, in the sum of $125, which amount was expended in May 1940, under symbol 11573. s. E. Malmsten. Twelfth: S. E. Malmsten, certifying officer at Veterans' Administra- tion, Washington, District of Columbia, in the sum of $18.55, which A. P . arson. amount was expended July 12, 1938, under symbol 11647. Thirteenth: A. P. Carson, certifying officer at Veterans' Administra- tion, Washington, District of Columbia, in the sum of $83.03, which amount was expended June 15, 1936, under symbol 99280. I. C. Dale. Fourteenth: J. C . Dale, certifying officer at Veterans' Administra- tion, Washington, District of Columbia, in the sum of $182.25, which amount was expended June 30, 1936, under symbol 99280. M.Carey. Fifteenth: M. Carey, certifying officer at Veterans' Administration facility, New York (Bronx), New York, in the sum of $100, which amount was expended June 15, 1936, under symbol 99282. Rosntah. Sixteenth: A. Rosentahl, certifying officer at Veterans' Admin- istration, Cleveland (now Brecksville), Ohio, in the sum of $4.71, which amount was expended July 10, 1936, under symbol 99284. . A. Hlakb. Seventeenth: C.A. Blackburn, certifying officer at Veterans' Admin- istration, Little Rock, Arkansas. in the sum of $43, which amount was expended on June 15, 1936, under symbol 99288. Approved November 29, 1944. [CHAPTER 494] November 29, 1944 AN ACT I(8. 1709] For the relief of Mrs. Clark Gourley, administratrix of the estate of Clark Gourley. [Private Law 419] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the tCark Oourley, es United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Mrs. Clark Gourley, of Gainesville, Florida, administratrix of the estate of Clark Gour- ley, the sum of $5,506.60, in full satisfaction of all claims against the United States for compensation for the death of Clark Gourley, who died as a result of personal injuries sustained by him in the perform- ance of his official duties as a second lieutenant in the Florida State Guard, when the Army vehicle in which he was riding as a passenger was struck by an Army airplane during a demonstration held for