Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/279

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES September 29 and Agreement between the United States of America and India respecting Pctober 0,1942 jurisdictionover criminal offenses committed by armedforces. Effected IE A.. 392J by exchange of notes signed at New Delhi September 29 and October 10, 1942; effective October 26, 1942. And related papers. The Secretary to the Government of India in the External Affairs De- partment to the Secretary in Charge of the Ofice of the Personal Representative of the President of the United States of America to India EXTERNAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT INDIA No. 8491-X/42 From The SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA IN THE EXTERNAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT, To The SECRETARY IN CHARGE OF THE OFFICE OF THE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO INDIA, New Delhi. Dated NEW DELHI, the 29th September 1942. SIR, I enclose a copy of the United States of America (Visiting Forces) Act, 1942 which has recently been enacted in the United Kingdom. P' p 200 The military authorities of the United States of America in India have long been anxious that similar legislation should be enacted in India which is not included in the territories to which the United Kingdom Act can be applied by Order in Council under section 3 thereof. A draft Ordinance, ['] of which a copy is enclosed has been prepared with a view to give effect to their wishes. 2. You will observe that the United Kingdom Act is expressed to give effect to the Agreement recorded in the Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Govern- ment of the United States of America, and that those Notes are "7tat"'g set out in a Schedule to the Act. It is felt that the Indian Ordinance should in like manner give effect to an Agreement in the like sense between the Government of India and the Government of the United States of America, and I would propose for your consideration that this letter read with your reply thereto be regarded as constituting an I [Draft ordinance not printed. See Ordinance No. LVII of 1942 as published in the Gazette of India Extraordinaryof Oct. 26, 1942, post, p. 1204.] 1199