Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/407

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1327 IRAN-RECIPROCAL TRADE-APR . 8 , 1943 ARTICLE IX 1. If the Government of either country should consider that any circumstance, or any measure adopted by the other Government, even though it does not conflict with the terms of this Agreement, has the effect of nullifying or impairing any object of the Agreement or of prejudicing an industry or the commerce of that country, such other Government shall give sympathetic consideration to such written representations or proposals as may be made with a view to effecting a mutually satisfactory adjustment of the matter. If agreement is not reached with respect to the matter within thirty days after such rep- resentations or proposals are received, the Government which made them shall be free, within fifteen days after the expiration of the aforesaid period of thirty days, to terminate this Agreement in whole or in part on thirty days' written notice. 2. The Governments of the two countries agree to consult together to the fullest possible extent in regard to all matters affecting the operation of the present Agreement. ARTICLE X 1. The provisions of this Agreement relating to the treatment to be accorded by the United States of America and Iran, respectively, to the commerce of the other country shall apply to the respective customs territories of the two countries. 2. Furthermore, the provisions of this Agreement relating to most- favored-nation treatment shall apply to all territory under the sover- eignty or authority of the two countries, except that they shall not apply to the Panama Canal Zone. ARTICLE XI 1. The advantages now accorded or which may hereafter be ac- corded by the United States of America or Iran to adjacent countries in order to facilitate frontier traffic, and advantages accorded by virtue of a customs union to which either country may become a party, shall be excepted from the operation of this Agreement. 2. The advantages now accorded or which may hereafter be accorded by the United States of America, its territories or possessions or the Panama Canal Zone to one another or to the Republic of Cuba shall be excepted from the operation of this Agreement. The pro- visions of this paragraph shall continue to apply in respect of any advantages now or hereafter accorded by the United States of Amer- ica, its territories or possessions or the Panama Canal Zone to one another, irrespective of any change in the political status of any of the territories or possessions of the United States of America. ARTICLE XII Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent the adop- tion or enforcement of measures (a) imposed on moral or humanitarian grounds; (b) designed to protect human, animal or plant life or health; Adjustment of measures impairing objects of agreement. Consultation. ScopeofAgreement. Panama Canal Zone. Trade with adjacent countries, etc. Trade between U. S., its possession, Canal Zone, and Cuba. Adoptionorenforce- ment of certain meass ures. 58 STAT.]