Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/506

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1426 Oomposition. General objective. Committee on tech- nical gricultural col- laboration. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. In a subsequent note, which will be addressed to Your Excellency in the very near future, I shall convey to Your Excellency further sug- gestions of my Government as to the composition and size of the Com- mission. It is the understanding of my Government that the Com- mission members shall have general technical competence in agricul- ture and be conversant with the resources, policies and programs of their respective Governments. The membership from each country should include the Agricultural Attache stationed at the capital of the other country. One member of each country group will be designated as Chairman of his group and will serve as Co-Chairman of the Com- mission. Each member shall be authorized to designate an alternate. 2. The general objective of the Commission shall be to promote agriculture in Mexico and the United States along the lines mutually advantageous to the two countries, giving appropriate attention at the present time to developments that will make a maximum contribution to the common war effort but keeping primarily in view the longer term aspects of agricultural development in the future years of peace to come. (a) Review current and prospective agricultural problems and trends of mutual interest to the two countries, including matters relating to supplies of agricultural and food products and the facilities for their production, processing and handling, and to recommend from time to time specific undertakings for agricul- tural improvement in the interest of better utilization of agricul- tural resources. (b) Consider and report on general plans in respect to the production and procurement of agricultural products needed to supply the essential civilian, military and rehabilitation needs of the United Nations, and to that end consider and report on the general policies which shall govern the carrying-out of such plans. (c) Formulate and recommend plans and procedures for ex- change of information on specific problems of scientific, techno- logical, economic and social character in agriculture and rural life. (d) Review and formulate proposals in reference to regulatory activities affecting agricultural production and trade between the two countries. (e) Formulate plans and recommendations for the mutually ad- vantageous utilization of available subject-matter, research per- sonnel, and other technical agricultural resources in the two countries and, in this connection, encourage the training of agri- cultural specialists, for basic improvement in agricultural pro- duction and administration. 3. As a means of carrying out the objectives outlined under 2(c), 2(d) and 2(e), a committee on technical agricultural collaboration shall be established to work through and under the general super- vision of the commission. The members of the technical committee