Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/642

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Ante, pp. 154, 1557, 1561. Suggested amend- ments. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. I avail myself of the opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my very high and distinguished consideration. E. PADILLA His Excellency GEORGE S. MESSERSMITH, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of North America, City. The American Embassy to the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs No. 3041 The Embassy of the United States of America presents its com- pliments to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and has the honor to refer to the Ministry's courteous note no. 58098 dated August 12, 1944, [1] to the Embassy's acknowledgment no. 3007 dated August 24, 1944,[1] and to previous correspondence, with regard to the memo- randum agreement of October 23, 1942 effected by the exchange of notes between the Embassy and the Ministry, particularly the Embassy's communications no. 138 and no. 269 of April 17 and May 22, 1942, and the Ministry's note no. 58807 of October 24, 1942. The Embassy has now been informed by the Department of State that the Department is agreeable to extending the provisions of the memorandum agreement regulating the activities of the United States Fisheries Mission to Mexico for a period of two years, or to October 23, 1946. The Department has however, referred to the statement in the memorandum agreement pertaining to Mr. Lindner's services and has instructed the Embassy to convey to the Ministry two suggested amendments for its consideration. Numbered Para- graph 1 of this memorandum agreement states that; "The Fish and Wildlife Service will assign to Mexico Mr. Milton J. Lindner, an aquatic biologist of its Division of Fish Biology, who is already known to the Mexican authorities, to assist in planning and directing the proposed studies, his services to be rendered on a part time basis covering a period of approximately six months of each of two consecutive years." In view of the known desire of the Ministry of Marine that Mr. Lindner carry out his studies on a full time basis, the Department and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service are agreeable to amending this paragraph. However, as it is possible that during the next two years Mr. Lindner's services may be required for temporary periods outside of Mexico, the Department suggests that the appro- priate part of the above paragraph be amended to read as follows: ".. . his services to be rendered on a full time basis, with the exception of possible assignments of nominal length only outside of Mexico." I [Not printed.]