Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/660

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. of the producing regions. Reserve will cooperate amply with the Government of the United States of Venezuela in order to attain the objectives already set forth and will consult the Ministry of Labor and Communications of Venezuela for the attainment of said ends. Reserve will also employ any other means which may tend to the im- provement of the economic status of the workers in the production of rubber. Radocks, etc. Eighth: The parties have agreed that the amounts that the Reserve Agency expends on account of the Development Fund in the develop- ment of the rubber production, as well as in permanent works, such as roads, docks, living quarters, depots, etc., will remain, at the ex- piration of this modus vivendi, for the benefit of the Venezuelan nation, for which the latter will not be obliged to pay any indemnity what- soever. Nor does the Government of the United States of Venezuela assume any obligation with respect to the sums which the Reserve Agency may expend in advances to rubber workers or in premiums to the same, as well as in the improvement of the production methods Movable obiects. or betterment of the quality of the rubber. It is also agreed that the movable objects that the Reserve Agency may supply to the centers of production, such as vehicles, boats, machinery, working imple- ments and other such objects, will remain the exclusive property of Reserve and the Agency may reexport them or sell them in the country for its own account. Import duties on Ninth: In view of the national interest which the present modus machinery, etc. vivendi represents in the development of rubber production in Vene- zuela, the Government of the United States of Venezuela agrees to exon- erate from import duties all machinery, tools, vehicles, boats, construc- tion materials for works and buildings and other implements which the Reserve Agency may import for the exclusive use of rubber exploita- tion operations and the development and improvement of its cultiva- tion in Venezuela. riEtedon of modua Your Excellency's note under reference and this note will constitute a modus vivendi effective for one year and may be extended by a simple statement of willingness on the part of the Government of the United States of Venezuela, at each annual opportunity, until the Termination, thirty-first of December, nineteen hundred and forty-six. Neverthe- less, it is understood that, if in view of the constitutional provisions, the Government of the United States of Venezuela reestablishes at any date the guarantees restricted by the aforementioned Executive Decree of October 9, 1942, in such an event the present modus vivendi shall be considered legally terminated. Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. FRANK P CORRIGAN His Excellency Dr. CARACCIOLO PARRA PEREZ, Ministerfor ForeignAffairs, Caracas.