Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/689

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INDEX Engel, Hajm, admission for permanent residence ------- _________ _______- Engel, Henryk, admission for permanent residence -------------- ____-__-__ Engert, Marie, admission for permanent residence ---------- _ _--_ __ _ ._ _ __ _ England. See Great Britain. Ennis, Byron, payment to-------__ __ __ - Ennis, George Pearse, payment to execu- trix of estate of----_______________ Ennis, Gladys A., payment to__________ Equitable Fire and Marine Insurance Company, payment to-------- Ervin, Cora, payment to_--__________- Ervin, Walter, payment to_ ---------- --_ Evans, C. Guy, payment to; release of U. S . from further liability for de- struction of building ______________ Evans, James, payment to estate of_ -_ Evensen, C. C ., payment to- _- -____ __- Evers, Avid, payment to - -- ___ ________ Excelsior Automotive Service, Inc., pay- ment to_______________________ Executive Agreements. See International Agreements Other Than Treaties. F Farm-Safety Week, National, 1944, proc- lamation ------------------ ______ Farris, Hall, payment to_____________ Feller, L. M ., Company, payment to___ - Files, Alfred, jurisdiction of Court to hear claim -------------- -- __ -________ Finances, agreement with Haiti -______ - Fire District No. 1, Colchester, Vt., pay- ment to--___-_____---_ __.______-- Fire Prevention Week, 1944, proclama- tion -------------. -------_______ Fisheries Mission, agreement with Mexico --------------------- __-__ Flag Day, 1944, proclamation---- ._-- _- - Flag of the United States, use on certain containers, proclamation ---- ______- Fleet, Emma B., payment to estate of -- _ Floering, John, payment to------------ Foley, Edwin, payment to ----------- _- Food Production Service, Inter-American Cooperative, agreement with Peru___ Food Surpluses, agreement with Domini- can Republic-------------------__ Foreign Forces Within U. S., Service Courts of, exercise of jurisdiction by United Kingdom and Canada, proc- lamation___-__------- ____- _ Foreign Trade Agreements. See Recip- rocal Trade Agreements. Foreman, Rosa Lee, payment to-------- Fortier, Louis J. (Brig. Gen.), payment to- Frakes, Mary Ellen, payment to-------- Page 956 956 1023 1015 1071 1071 1044 974 974 966 1057 975 976 1071 1135 1083 1010 1068 1541 1062 1147 1554 1134 1126 1107 1081 962 1484 1273 1157 1100 1088 1007 Frassrand, Nancy, payment to legal guardian of___ -- ________-______- Frasure, Carl M., payment to _________- Frey, Mrs. Andrew J., land conveyance to- Fudge, E. C., payment to -- ___________- Fur Seal Agreement of 1942, Provisional, U. S . and Canada ----------- ___- Futterman, Robert, payment to -------- G "G. I . Bill of Rights." See Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944. Gallagher, J. J., credit in accounts------ Game Mammals, Certain, regulations re- lating to, proclamation. _ __ __ __ _ __ . Garland Hot Mineral Springs, release of U. S. from further liability for de- struction of building --------- ___ Garner, G. H., payment to_----______- Gawalis, Peter A., payment to -- __---- Gay, Frank, payment to--- __ . -- _- -- - Geiler, Mrs. Marie, payment to------- General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1944, proclamation --------------- __ Gesteland, Iver M., payment to---- _ _- Gibson, A. D . (Dr.), payment to estate of- Gibson, Lafayette, payment to _- - - -- - Giddens, Clarence A., payment to----- Giles, E. Bird, payment to .-- -- -- -- - Gillam, Edward, payment to -------- Gimble, Lois Juanita, payment to ------ Godwin, Mrs. John Andrew, payment to_ Goebel, Frederick G., payment to------- Goff, Charles J., payment to------------ Goff, Judson E., payment to administrator of estate of------------------ _ - -- Goodsell, John W. (Dr.), presentation of medal to ------------------------ Gorman, Nadine, payment to----- -- Gourley, Clark, payment to administratrix of estate of----------------------- Gowen, Joseph B., payment to estate of_ Gowen, Ruth V., payment to estate of--- Grantham, Mrs. Bertha, payment to---- Graus, Wendell C., payment to -------- Great Britain: Agreements respecting- Armistice with Bulgaria----------- Copyright extension __ --- ---- -- Prizes, jurisdiction over-_- --_ --- Copyright extension, proclamation -_ _ _ Service courts within U. S ., exercise of jurisdiction, proclamation ___- -_ - Greenleaf, Mrs. Gladys M., payment to_- Greenleaf, Ralph Alton, payment to ad- ministratrix of estate of ---------- Gregory, L. C ., payment to ------------ Grossi, Henry, payment to.--- ---. . --- Grottke, Ernest A., payment to -------- 1609 Page 1065 1037 969 975 1379 1033 996 1136 966 1093 957 1034 971 1155 987 1085 945 977 1016 981 986 1001 1045 972 972 935 962 1040 1064 1064 1077 1010 1498 1242 1207 1129 1157 968 968 1042 967 1026