Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/23

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , IST SESS.-CHS. 3 , 4-FEB. 24 , 1945 the company's presently owned properties at said Waiau as shown on the company's map W-1614, dated September 26, 1940, filed in the Office of the Secretary of the Navy, and the minus twenty-foot contour line in Pearl Harbor, the said area being contained on the east by a line run- ning from the easternmost point of the said southern boundaries, the coordinates of which point are one thousand six hundred and twenty-five and thirty-four one-hundredths feet south and six thousand nine hun- dred and forty-two one-hundredths feet east, referred to Government survey triangulation station Ewa Church, in a true southerly direction, and on the west by a line running from the westernmost point on said southern boundaries, the coordinates of which point are one thousand five hundred and eight and forty one-hundredths feet south and five thousand eight hundred and ninety-six and seventy one-hundredths feet east, referred to Government survey triangulation station Ewa Church, in a true southerly direction, subject to the restriction that such ditches, tunnels, and pipe lines shall be constructed, maintained, and operated in such manner as not to interfere with navigation or Gov- ernment use of such area: Provided, That the location and plans of the ditches, tunnels, and oil pipe lines are submitted to and approved by the Secretary of the Navy before construction is commenced: And provided further, That this grant is subject to the right of the Secre- tary of the Navy, from time to time, to require the company to relocate within said area at its own expense such tunnels, ditches, and pipe lines, and to alter and deepen such ditches and to alter and lower the level of tunnels and pipe lines when such is necessary in his judgment for the purpose of improving navigation or Government use of such area. Approved February 24, 1945. [CHAPTER 4] AN ACT 5 Location and plans subject to approval. Relocation, etc. February 24, 1945 To provide for the effective administration of certain lending agencies of the [s. 375] Federal Government. [Public Law 4] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembbled, That the Federal Loan Agency, created by section 402 of the President's Reorganization Plan Numbered I under authority of the Reorganization Act of 1939, shall continue as an independent establishment of the Federal Gov- ernment and shall continue to be administered under the direction and supervision of the Federal Loan Administrator in the same man- ner and to the same extent as if Executive Order 9071, dated February 24, 1942, transferring the functions of the Federal Loan Agency to the Department of Commerce, had not been issued. SEC. 2 . All powers, functions, and duties of the Department of Commerce and of the Secretary of Commerce which relate to the Federal Loan Agency (together with the respective personnel, rec- ords, and property, including office equipment, relating to the exercise of such functions, powers, and duties) are hereby transferred to the Federal Loan Agency to be administered under the direction and supervision of the Federal Loan Administrator. SEC. 3 . The unexpended balance of the funds made available to the Secretary of Commerce by Public Law 365, Seventy-eighth Congress, approved June 28, 1944, for administrative expenses of supervising loan agencies, shall be transferred to the Federal Loan Agency to be used for the administrative expenses of that Agency. SEC. 4 . No functions, powers, or duties shall be transferred from the Federal Loan Agency under the provisions of title I of the First War Powers Act, 1941, or any other law unless the Congress shall otherwise by law provide. Federal Loan Agen- cy. Continuance as in- dependent establish- ment. 53 Stat. 1429, 561 . 5U. .C.II133t note, 133 -133r. 50 U. S. O., Snpp. IV, app. § 601 note. Transfer of func- tions, etc. Transfer of funds. 68 Stat. 41. 55 Stat. 838 . 50 U. 8. C., supp. IV, app. It 601-406