Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/444

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 271-JULY 5, 1945 Ante, p. 203 . 58 Stat. 280. 34 U. S. C., Supp. IV, § 524. Ppt,pp. 465, 466. NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Operation and conservation of naval petroleum reserves: For the Navy Department's share of expenses in connection with the explora- tion and prospecting as authorized by Public Law 343, approved June 17, 1944, of Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 1, including the pur- chase of any outstanding privately owned interests in lands and equip- ment thereon located within said Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 1, fiscal year 1946, $7,570,000. BUREAU OF SHIPS Ante,p. 2W. Maintenance, Bureau of Ships: The appropriation "Maintenance, 56Stat.156 . Bureau of Ships, 1942", including that portion thereof which was made available for obligation until June 30, 1943, by Public Law 626, 6 Stat. 390, . approved June 23, 1942, and the appropriation "Maintenance, Bureau of Ships, 1943", shall remain available until June 30, 1946, for the payment of obligations legally incurred under contracts entered into on or before June 30,1943. BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS 56 Stat. 64. 68 Stat. 310 . Transfer of funda 58 Stat. 312. Ante, p. 214 . Ante, p. 219. 56 Stat. 164 Pay, subsistence, and transportation, Navy, for the fiscal years that follow: Fiscal year 1943, $4,800,000; Fiscal year 1945, $695,719,000. Maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy, 1943, $250,000. Fuel and transportation, Navy, 1945, $53,000,000. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $24,000,000 from the appropriation "Defense installations on merchant vessels, Navy", to the appropriation "Fuel and transportation, Navy, 1945". MARINE CORPS Pay, Marine Corps, 1945, $30,600,000. General expenses, Marine Corps, 1946, $48,680,000. GENERAL PROVISION The appropriations of the Naval Establishment for the fical year 1946 shall be available for traveling expenses (including subsistence while awaiting transportation at west coast ports) in connection with the recruitment and placement of civilian personnel for naval facilities at Pearl Harbor and in the States of Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT (Out of the Postal Revenues) FIELD SERVICE, POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL For an additional amount for "Compensation to postmasters", fiscal year 1943, including the objects specified under this head in the Post Office Department Appropriation Act, 1943, $30,000. For additional amounts for appropriations of the Post Office Depart- ment for the fiscal year 1945, including the objects specified under the 426 [59 STAT.