Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/500

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States to the said States for use in connection with such State marine schools, $75,000; in all, $325,000. OFFICE FOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT-GENERAL PROVISIONS Delegation of au- (a) The head of any constituent agency may delegate to any official thority. in such agency the authority to make appointments of personnel and he may also delegate to any official in the agency of which he is the head the authority to make other determinations necessary for the conduct of the administrative management within such agency. Administration of (b) Any employee of any of the constituent agencies is authorized, when designated for the purpose by the head of such agency, to administer to or take from any person an oath, affirmation, or affidavit, when such instrument is required in connection with the performance of the functions or activities of such agency. ClamsagainstU.S. (c) The head of any of the constituent agencies is authorized, in 31 U. s. C . "5 215- connection with the operations of such agency, to consider, ascertain, 2o7;tSpp. IV, 215-217 adjust, determine, and certify claims against the United States in Pos, p. 662. accordance with the Act of December 28, 1922 (31 U. S . C . 215), and to designate certifying officers in accordance with the Act of December 55 Sat. 875., pp. 29, 1941, or to delegate authority to the head of any other agency to 31 U. S. C., Snpp. d ta Iv, § 82b-82e. designate employees of such agency as certifying officers to certify vouchers payable against the funds of the constituent agency concerned. Hire of motor ve- (d) The appropriations for the constituent agencies under the hides. Office for Emergency Management for the fiscal year 1946 shall be available for the hire of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles. OFFICE OF CENSORSHIP Salaries and expenses: For all necessary expenses of the Office of Censorship, including the employment of aliens as examiners or Director and dep- translators; the employment of a Director and a deputy director at uty director. not exceeding $10,000 and $9,000 per annum, respectively; not to exceed $20,000 for temporary personal services without regard to civil-service Travel expenses and classification laws; travel expenses (not to exceed $81,900); travel expenses of appointees from point of induction in continental United States to their first posts of duty outside continental United States and such expenses of employees returning from their places of employ- ment outside continental United States to their homes in the United States or possessions or in foreign countries; reimbursement at not to exceed 3 cents per mile to employees for expenses incurred by them for official travel in privately owned automobiles within the limits of their official stations; printing and binding (not to exceed $95,550); rental of news and other reporting services; rental and/or operation of photographic, communication, and other equipment and devices; hire of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles; purchase of guard uniforms; purchase of special wearing apparel or equipment for protection of employees while engaged in their work; not to exceed $8,200 for deposit in the general fund of the Treasury for cost of 58 Stat. 39c penalty mail as required by section 2 of the Act of June 28, 1944 IV, § 321d. (uPublic Law 364); not to exceed $10,000 for scientific research on models, devices, and other items related to the functions of the Office 41u.S.C. 5. of Censorship without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes; fidEenial aract er" $13,000,000: Provided, That not to exceed $5,000 of this appropriation shall be available for expenses of a confidential character, to be expended under the direction of the Director who shall make a certifi- cate of the amount of each such expenditure which he may think it advisable not to specify and every such certificate shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for the amount therein certified. [59 STAT. 482 PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 319--JULY 17, 1945