Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/698

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INDEX A Abbapoola Creek, S. C ., improvement authorized----------- _ -- -- - -- - -_ _ Aberdeen, S. Dak., clerk of United States District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of ______ Aberdeen, Wash., river and harbor main- tenance work authorized -_ ___- -___ __ Accounting Office. See General Account- ing Office. Acushnet River, Mass., examination and survey authorized --- .. -- -_______ Adams Act, appropriation to effect provi- sions of -- ... . ... . -- --- -- Adjusted Compensation Payment Act, 1936, appropriation for administra- tive expenses --------_- -- -- - -_ _- __ Adjutant General's Department. See un- der War Department. Aerial Flights, increased pay for nonflying officers, limitation -_ __ . ..... ____. Aerial Legal Experts, International Tech- nical Committee of, appropriation for_ Aeronautics, Bureau of. See under Navy Department. Aeronautics, Civil. See Civil Aeronautics, Office of Administrator of; Civil Aero- nautics Board. Aeronautics, National Advisory Committee for: Page 16 198 22 25 142 428 386 428 Appropriation for -------------- _--- 82, 120 Damage claims, appropriation for ------ 93, 431, 655 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for - - 120 Printing and binding, appropriation for- 120 Africa, appropriation for cultural relations program with --- __---------------- 179 Agreements. See International Agree- ments. Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, hops, orders applicable to, repeal of provi- sion relating to-------------------- 263 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938: Acreage allotment status, producers of cotton, wheat, and peanuts, pro- tection of -- _-----------.-------- 9 Appropriation to effect provisions of ---- 154, 159, 422 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938-Con. Cotton, sale by Commodity Credit Corporation, suspension of certain provisions for designated period --. Marketing quotas- Printing and binding, transfer of fundsfor ____________________ Page 50 138 Tobacco- Acreage allotments -------------- 506 Fire-cured and dark air-cured ----- 506 Loans on crops ------------------ 506 Agricultural Adjustment Agency, trans- fer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations -------- 58, 60 Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry, Bu- reau of. See under Agriculture, De- partment of. Agricultural Byproducts Laboratory, Ames, Iowa, conveyance to State of Iowa---- 546 Agricultural Commodities: Acreage allotment status, producers of certain war crops, protection ------ 9 Freight rates for, appropriation to effect provisions of Agricultural Adjust- ment Act of 1938 relating to - -__ 159 Hops, orders applicable to, repeal of pro- vision relating to ---------------- 263 Lend-lease of, appropriation for------- _ 430 Market inspection, appropriation for -- 158 Marketing information, etc., appropri- ation for acquisition and diffusion of 158 Maximum prices, restriction on use of certain funds for enforcement of . -- 415 Price control, approval of Secretary of Agriculture -------------------- 307 Livestock, inclusion as agricultural commodity ------------------ 308 Sale by Commodity Credit Corporation_ 50 School lunch program, distribution un- der -....-------------------... Subsidy allocations for meat, butter, and flour ---------------------- Subsidy payments, Commodity Credit Corporation, increase in limita- tions-------------------------- Vocational courses in food production, reduction in appropriation avail- able in fiscal year 1945----------- I 157 261 506 408