Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/710

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INDEX Big Sandy River, bridge authorized across Tug Fork at Williamson, W. Va----_ Big Thoroughfare River, Md., examination and survey for construction of boat basin at Ewell authorized---.. Blloxi, Miss., channel and harbor, exam- ination, improvement, etc., authorized_ Biological Investigations, appropriation for ..---..----.................. Birds: Appropriation for- Bald eagle, protection of---------- . Migratory Bird Conservation Act, effecting provisions of- . .. .____ Migratory Bird Conservation Fund__ Migratory Bird Treaty Act, enforce- ment ----------------- . --- -- Migratory birds- Conservation refuges ----------- Protection of -------. .- ------ - Reservations, maintenance of ---- _- Black Bass Act, appropriation for enforce- ment -------------- . _----------- Black Creek, Fla., waterway, examination and survey authorized ________ -- Black River, Ark. and La., improvement authorized -_ __- --_ __ ._ -_ __ _-- _-- - Black Rock Channel, N. Y ., improvement authorized -----_ _---- ----. --__ --. Black Walnut Harbor, Md., improvement authorized--- - __ -- -- -- -

- Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Mont.: Irrigation systems, appropriation for -_ Land, acquisition of, appropriation for_ Blackwater River, Va., improvement au- thorized -------- ____ -- ____._-_-- Page 223 26 17, 30 355 356 356 356 355 356 355 356 355 29 19 20 14 329 325 15 Blind: American Printing House for the, appro- priation for . - _-- ----- ---- ---- -- 365 Books, etc., for adult, appropriation for_ 255 Columbia Polytechnic Institute for, ap- propriation for ----------------- 284 Federal buildings, operation of stands, appropriation for --------.-- --- -- 367 Grants to States for aid to, appropria- tion for.-----.--------.-- 80, 236, 372 National Library for, appropriation for_ 284 Blue Hill Harbor, Maine, examination and survey authorized------------- 25 Boeuf Bayou Farms Project, transfer of lands to Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College -------------------

468 Boise Project, Idaho: Construction, appropriation for----- 342, 647 Operation and maintenance, appropria- tion for- - - - .. -- -. 339 Bonds, Securities, Etc.: Page Government obligations, purchase by Federal Reserve banks, extension of temporary provisions -------.. 658 Liberty Bond Act, Second. See sepa- rate title. Bonneville Power Administration: Appropriation for---_ ___ ___ - _ _ _ _ __ 320 Old-age and survivors' insurance bene- fits, application to certain employ- ees --------------------------- 548 Transmission lines, restriction on use of funds----_ ------------ .

320 Bonneville Project Act, Amendments: Accounts, maintenance of; audit, etc__ 547 Claims and other legal proceedings, au- thority of Administrator --- _-- 547, 548 Contracts, etc., authority of Adminis- trator --------------- _-__ __-_ __ 546 Disposition of electricity to Federal agencies; rates applicable------- 546 Personnel, appointment of certain; ap- plicability of civil-service laws .-- 547 Voluntary services, acceptance of ----- 547 Bonum Creek, Va., examination and sur- vey authorized ------------------- 27 Boothbay Harbor, Maine, examination and survey authorized ------------- 25 Boston, Mass.: Harbor improvement authorized -- _-- 12 Pneumatic-tube service, appropriation for---------------------------- 73 Waterway to Portland, Maine, exami- nation and survey authorized - __- 25 Botanic Garden: Appropriation for ------------------ 253 Nursery stock, distribution by congres- sional allotment, restriction ----- _ 253 Overtime compensation, basis--------- 296 Pay increases; basic work week. See Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945. Boulder Canyon Project: All-American Canal, appropriation for_ 342, 648 Boulder City School District, reim- bursement for instruction ------- _ 342 Operation and maintenance, appropria- tion for------------------------ 341 Boulder Dam National Recreational Area, Ariz.-Nev., appropriation for - - - 352, 649 Boundary Commissions, International: Appropriation for- U. S . and Canada and Alaska and Canada--------------------- 178 U. S . and Mexico ------------- 176,653 Boundary Line, District of Columbia and Commonwealth of Virginia, establish- ment of------------------------- 552 Bowlers Wharf, Va., examination and sur- vev authorized------------

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