Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/75

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG., IST SESS. - CH. 92-APR. 24, 1945 DIVISION OF PERSONNEL Salaries: For the Chief of the Division, and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $164,000. OFFICE OF CHIEF CLERK Salaries: For the Chief Clerk and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $286,000. MISCELLANEOUS AND CONTINGENT EXPENSES, TREASURY DEPARTMENT For miscellaneous and contingent expenses of the Office of the Secretary and the Bureaus and offices of the Department, including operating expenses of the Treasury, Treasury Annex, Auditors', and Liberty Loan Buildings; financial journals, purchase (including exchange) of books of reference and lawbooks, technical and scien- tific books, newspapers, and periodicals, expenses incurred in completing imperfect series, library cards, supplies, and all other necessary expenses connected with the library; not exceeding $15,000 for traveling expenses, including the payment of actual transpor- tation and subsistence expenses to any person whom the Secretary of the Treasury may from time to time invite to the city of Wash- ington or elsewhere for conference and advisory purposes in fur- thering the work of the Department; freight, expressage, telegraph and telephone service; maintenance and repair of motortrucks and three passenger automobiles (one for the Secretary of the Treasury and two for general use of the Department), all to be used for official purposes only; file holders and cases; fuel, oils, grease, and heating supplies and equipment; gas and electricity for lighting, heating, and power purposes, including material, fixtures, and equip- ment therefor; floor covering and repairs thereto, furniture and office equipment, including supplies therefor and repairs thereto; purchase and repair of uniforms for elevator conductors; awnings, window shades, and fixtures; cleaning supplies and equipment; draft- ing equipment; flags; hand trucks; ladders; miscellaneous hardware; streetcar fares not exceeding $650; thermometers; lavatory equip- ment and supplies; tools and sharpening same; laundry service; laboratory supplies and equipment; removal of rubbish; postage; not to exceed $30,000 for stationery for the Treasury Department and its several bureaus and offices, and field services thereof, except such bureaus and offices as may be otherwise specifically provided for, including tags, labels, and index cards, printed in the course of manufacturing, packing boxes and other materials necessary for shipping stationery supplies, and cost of transportation of stationery supplies purchased free on board point of shipment and of such supplies shipped from Washington to field offices; and other abso- lutely necessary articles, supplies, and equipment not otherwise pro- vided for; $260,000: Provided, That the appropriations for the Bureau of Accounts, Bureau of the Public Debt, Internal Revenue Service, Procurement Division, Office of the Treasurer of the United States, Division of Disbursement, and Foreign Funds Control for the fiscal year 1946 are hereby made available for the payment of items otherwise properly chargeable to this appropriation, the pro- visions of section 6, Act of August 23, 1912 (31 U .S.. 669), to the contrary notwithstanding. Printing and binding: For printing and binding for the Treasury Department and its several bureaus and offices, and field services thereof, except such bureaus and offices as may be otherwise specif- ically provided for, including materials for the use of the book- 57 Post, p. 653. Operating expenses, Department buildings. Traveling expenses. Stationery. Additional funds. 37 Stat. 414.