Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/795

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Roseburg Rifle Range, Douglas County, Page Oreg., transfer to Reconstruction Finance Corporation ------------- 505 Ross Cove (Magothy River), Md., exami- nation and survey authorized ------- 27 Rosslyn Connecting Railroad Company, conveyance of certain lands to, authorized -------------------- 543 Roswell, N. Mex., clerk of United States District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of------ 198 Royal C. Johnson Veterans Memorial Hospital, designation ------------- 263 Rubber, Etc., produced outside United States, subsidy allocation for------- 261 Rubber Development Corporation: Appropriation for ------------------ 418 Nonapplication of certain general provisions to------------------ 418 Audit and annual budget program_- - 598, 599 Penalty mail costs, allocation of funds for---------------

417 Rubber Project, Emergency: Aliens, employment of--------------- 165 Appropriation for ------------------ 152 Amendment --------------------- 422 Rubber Reserve Company: Appropriation for ------------------ 200 Audit and annual budget program - 598, 599 Dissolution, transfer of functions, etc., to Reconstruction Finance Corpo- ration ------------------------ 310 Guayule shrub, appropriation for har- vesting and processing of--------- 423 Rural Delivery Service: Appropriation for ------------------ 70 Grades and salaries ----------------- 455 Rural Electrification Administration: Appropriation for ---------------- 162, 422 Engineer trainees, employment of citi- zens of other American republics__ 165 Rural Rehabilitation, appropriation for___ 160 Russell Creek, S. C ., improvement au- thorized-------------------------- 16 S Sabine River, Tex., examination and survey authorized -------- _---_ Sabine-Neches Waterway, Tex., exami- nation, improvement, etc., authorized. Sackets Harbor, N. Y., examination, improvement, etc., authorized_- -_ _- Sacramento Indian Reservation, Calif., appropriation for irrigation system - Sacramento River, Calif., appropriation for flood control ----- --- _________ Safety and Health Program, national- defense industries, appropriation for- 31 18, 31 20, 32 331 42 362 Safety Council, Inc., National, appropria- Page tion for District of Columbia affilia- tion with------------------------ 286 Safety Harbor, Fla., channel, examination and survey authorized ------------ 29 Saint Augustine Harbor, Fla., examination and survey authorized ------------ 28 Saint Catherines Sound, Md., improve- ment authorized------------------- 14 Saint Clair River at Southeast Bend, Mich., channel improvement authorized---- 20 Saint Croix, V. I ., appropriation for municipal government ------------- 650 Saint Croix River, time extended for bridging, at Hudson, Wis ---------- 468 Saint Croix River Basin, Minn. and Wis., examination and survey authorized- 31 St. Elizabeths Hospital, D. C.: Appropriation for ------- 166, 285, 371, 421 Student nurses, transfer of funds for items furnished under training program - _-------------------- 370 Saint Francisville, Ill., toll bridge author- ized across Wabash River at-------- 580 Saint Helena Sound, S. C., channel, ex- amination and survey authorized - - 28 Saint Ignace, Mich., harbor, examination and survey authorized ------------- 32 Saint James Harbor, N. Y., examination and survey authorized _--- ----- ---- 26 Saint Johns River, Fla., examination, improvement, etc. , authorized--_ 16, 28, 29 Saint Joseph Harbor, Mich., improve- ment authorized ------------------ 19 Saint Joseph Sound, Fla., channel, exami- nation and survey authorized ------- 29 Saint Josephs Bay, Fla., examination, improvement, etc., authorized ------ 17, 30 Saint Lawrence Bridge Commission, re- vival and reenactment of Act creating 544 St. Louis, Mo., Jefferson National Expan- sion Memorial, restriction on use of certain funds for----------------- 353 St. Louis Mission Boarding School, Okla., appropriation for education of Osage Indian children ------------------ 332 Saint Louis River, bridge authorized across at Duluth, Minn ---- _- - -- - _ 545 Saint Lucie Inlet, Fla., improvement au- thorized ------------------------ _ 16 Saint Marks, Fla., canal, examination and survey authorized -_ ---. --- _ _ _

29 Saint Marks River, Fla., improvement authorized .------------------ ____ 17 Saint Marys River, Ga. and Fla., exam- ination and survey authorized ------ _ 28 Saint Marys River, Mich.: Examination and survey authorized ---- 32 Hydroelectric power plant, construc- tion of; limitation; sale of power, etc- 20 INDEX XCVIII