Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/797

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Scarboro River, Maine, examination and Page survey authorized----------------- 25 Schaffer, Alfred Oscar, appropriation for payment of judgment ------------- 656 School Lunch Program, funds available for-------------------------- 157, 645 Schools and Colleges. See Colleges and Schools. Schuylkill River, Pa., examination and survey authorized ---------------- 26 Sciences, National Academy of, reimburse- ment for research projects---------- 476 Scientific Research and Development, Office of: Appropriation for ----------------- 475 Reduction in appropriation available in fiscal year 1945------------- 408 Contractors, indemnification of ------- 476 National Academy of Sciences, payment to ---------------------------- Personalty, disposition of --- _-------- Research, etc., for other agencies, trans- fer of funds------------------- Scientific Unions, International Council of, appropriation for contribution --- Scioto River, Portsmouth, Ohio, improve- ment authorized ---------------- Scrugham, James G., payment to widow of, appropriation for-------------- Seacoast Defenses, appropriation for--- Seamen. See also Merchant Marine; Vessels. Relief, protection, etc., abroad, appro- priation for------------------- Seattle, Wash., Assay Office, appropriation for---------------------------- Sebastian Martin Grant Lands, N. Mex., adjustment of claims authorized --- Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1944, Amendments: Public Works Administration, liquida- tion, time extension; limitation on use of funds------..... .. --- --- . Increase in limitation------.. .. .. -- Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1945. See Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1945, Second. Second Liberty Bond Act. See Liberty Bond Act, Second. Second War Powers Act, Amendments. See War Powers Act, 1942, Second, Amendments. Secret Service Division. See under Treas- ury Department. Securities: Government obligations, purchase by Federal Reserve banks, extension of temporary provisions -------- Liberty Bond Act, Second. See separate title. 476 476 476 175 19 412 398 174 65 532 80 638 658 Securities Act of 1933, Amendment, ex- Page empted securities, limitation in- creased -_--- ----- ------ ------ --- 167 Securities and Exchange Commission: Appropriation for ----------------- 125, 641 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for_ _ 125 Printing and binding, appropriation for_ 125 Reorganization plans affecting, restric- tion ----------------- _--------- 615 Seed Act, Federal, appropriation to effect provisions of --- __---------------- 159 Seed Testing Congress, International, appropriation for share of expenses _ 159 Seldovia Harbor, Alaska, improvement authorized----------------------- 23 Selective Service System. See also Se- lective Training and Service Act of 1940. Appropriation for ---

484 Conscientious objectors, work program for------------------------ _- - 485 Damage claims, appropriation for_ 93, 431, 655 Personnel, uncompensated, award of merit authorized ---- ______----- _ 312 Appropriations available ----------- 312 Appropriation for---------------- 484 Travel by personnel; payment of ex- penses ----------------- _-----_ 485 Selective Training and Service Act of 1940: Amendments- Expiration date, extension --- ____- - Training period, inductees under 19 years of age-------------- ____ Conscientious objectors, limitation on use of War Department funds for _ Seminole Indians, Okla., appropriation for tuition of pupils ------------ ___ Senate. See also Congress; Legislative Branch of the Government. Appointments with consent of- Admiral in Coast Guard----- .-- __ - Export-Import Bank of Washington, members of Board of Directors - General in Marine Corps----------- International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development, governor, executive directors, and alter- nates ------ _------___.____-- International Monetary Fund, gover- nor, executive directors, and alternates ----------- ___ ____ __ Judges. See under U. S . Courts. Justice, Department of- Antitrust Division, personnel at salaries of $7,500 or more ---- Special attorneys, etc., at salaries of $7,500 or more --- ___- _- - Regular Army, additional officers --- 166 166 386 333 37 527 36 512 512 182 183 664 INDEX C